Pill Report: UPS


Posted by
July 10, 2015
Date Submitted
I know there are plenty of reports on these but I'm doing this one because a Yellow UPS pill turned up containing methylone. These red ones looked lighter to me than any of the pics I'd seen.

I haven't tested them with a reagent yet, just waiting on one coming and I'll update this. Just to add, they weighed in at 510mg. So weight and dimensions seem right, but I had never seen them as light as that which is what made me suspicious.

Update: Tested with Marquis.

Last Update
July 12, 2015
11.4 mm
9.3 mm
Suspected Contents
MDxx High
Marquis Reagent
User Report

Took 1/2 first of all and I'd just eaten so it took a while to come up. Ended up having five over about 24 hours. Probably a waste but I have a high tolerance after using it on and off for 22years. I thought they were strong but I've not had for about 2 1/2 months. Last ones I had were Warner Bros/Magnets and Nintendos - I thought they were stronger than those but that's all conjecture without proper analysis.

Anyway, all the classic MDMA signs were there. Jaw clenching, eye wiggles/difficulty focussing, one eye going to the shop, the other coming back with the change look. Heightened appreciation of the music. Very trippy too later on but that was probably due to a mix of high dosage and lack of sleep.

I know, I've done it the wrong way round...eaten them and testing later...but as I say just started with half to see how they were. But once we realised they were decent we just kept necking one every 3-4 hours.

Seemed Legit to me even though the colour looked off, will update after reagent test.


coffeensquats (member since June 13, 2015)

The color looks really off. The last batch that the team pressed was burgandy wasn't it?

July 11, 2015, 5:28 pm GMT

moveableparts (member since July 6, 2015)

That's what I thought - they're a pink colour rather than a dark red. I ordered some reagent to test so I'll update when I've done that. Just thought I'd do a test after the yellow ones with methylone turned up.

July 11, 2015, 9:09 pm GMT

moveableparts (member since July 6, 2015)

Every time I try to add a new picture it just posts the old one. So here's a link to the result after I tested with Marquis - it went a dark purple colour:

July 12, 2015, 6:28 am GMT

bearlove1 (member since May 31, 2015)

Thanks for testing and sharing the results.


July 12, 2015, 7:25 am GMT

deanlad17 (member since August 6, 2014)

got one of these, same city haha :D

July 12, 2015, 6:52 pm GMT

deanlad17 (member since August 6, 2014)

did yours break easily?

July 12, 2015, 8:44 pm GMT

moveableparts (member since July 6, 2015)

I thought they were quite hard pressed. They did break in half easily enough, but it needed a fair bit of pressure, and if you bit them in half you got a clean break, it didn't crumble to bits.

July 13, 2015, 10:29 am GMT

dirtboy (member since October 1, 2014)

Interesting I have a collection and after a certain amount of time the colour does start to fade,

July 13, 2015, 3:53 pm GMT

deanlad17 (member since August 6, 2014)

yeah mines was the same, previous ups i couldnt break with anything but a knife but these broke with a little bit of pressure,

July 15, 2015, 2:22 am GMT