Pill Report: green winnie pooh
Green Winnie Pooh


Posted by
March 2, 2015
Date Submitted
nicely pressed pill, light-green coloured, typical mdma smell and taste
Last Update
March 12, 2015
Winnie pooh
Winnie pooh
15.0 mm
11.0 mm
Suspected Contents
MDxx Medium
Marquis Reagent
User Report

Hi there,
it's my first report thus I didn't find anything on these, i just added one myself.

my last trip was 6 weeks before this one. So went to a club with a friend, I took 1 at 1.30am, friend of mine took like 1 3/4 (his weight around 110kg), typical mdma taste and started to kick in at 2.15am i was kinda happy and felt in sync with my surrounding, basically i was just happy and kinda talkactive :p. unfortunately I didn't reach the "climax".
my friend needed to throw up, might be of importance that he took it on an empty stomach and drank carbonated water (at least i feel bad drinking carbonated water, when being hungry as shit) after throwing up, he was relaxed chilled and just "wanted to feel the beat" took another half at 4am still felt great and was enjoying myself. came down smoothly around 7-8 and slept like a baby at 9.30

Not entirely sure if it's clear mdma.. would love some input on those if anyone ever heard of these.

Side effects: light jaw clenching, slight increased sweating, unsual for me is I partyed friday and I've felt slight numbness in my left leg since


Heres the testresult



warnerboy (member since November 16, 2014)

Vitamine pills for kids... you guys got on a placebo effect lol

March 2, 2015, 8:14 pm GMT

m0rchel (member since February 27, 2015)

are you sure about that?
found this post

translated, one is stating that there are 3 batches of those winnie poohs containing approx.

1. green-grew 180mg
2. orange 220mg
3. coloured just like mine: 140mg

not labtested though just guessed out of experience.

considering that I just slept like 2 hours the night before and went all out for some hours, i highly doubt that these are vitamine pills, suspected maybe mda or something

March 2, 2015, 11:52 pm GMT

bearlove (member since August 25, 2008)

Thanks for the report - you state that you never reached your climax on these pills. Was that because you had to look after your friend or did you just not peak properly?

What makes you suspect that these may not be clean MDMA - do you think a warning in necessary?


March 3, 2015, 7:20 am GMT

warnerboy (member since November 16, 2014)

They were reported a time ago as vitamine pills in US region, everybody said they were a joke...

If there would be something in them, i guess an RC is the main substance :-)

March 3, 2015, 10:28 am GMT

m0rchel (member since February 27, 2015)

in my opinion there's no warning needed, not sure why i didn't peak, I did look after my friend but he was doing fine so i wasn't really worried, made out with a girl, that almost rooted my nipple that clearly didn't help to get me to peak. I can assure that I definitely felt being more active and happy, i just suspected that it might be mda or something because i didn't peak, from what I heard, mda is kinda like mdma excluding the peak.

as I said, i dont think that a warning is necessary i'd just say that these are not really recommendable, still got some of those, going to pass them and ask for their opinion, trying to get a local test kit today, that would be even better

March 3, 2015, 1:57 pm GMT

m0rchel (member since February 27, 2015)

test result updated to the userreport, supports my opinion that it might be mda, mdea or something familiar.. or just maybe it wasn't my day

March 12, 2015, 12:17 am GMT

charrua (member since July 6, 2016)

There is a batch of these in Uruguay which contain both MDMA and MCP, which can cause severe diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. The people of Energy control advised not to consume them

July 5, 2016, 10:52 pm GMT