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Yellow UPS


Posted by
February 20, 2015
Date Submitted
Well pressed and hard to break, in shape of a shield
UPS Logo
11.0 mm
8.0 mm
Well pressed, not as crumbly as gold bars
Suspected Contents
MDxx High
User Report

23:00 had one beer in a bar before going into the club

23:15 Dropped about 2/3rds of the pill outside the club, went in and just chilled while support DJ was playing.

00:00 Started feeling the first effects, arms felt a little cold, tingles all over the body and felt my arms rising up. As it continued I had an overall rising feeling, felt like it was bubbling up from my chest. Started grinning like and idiot and was in cracking form. Everything became magic, the lights, the music was all enhanced. One of my mates was coming up at the same time so we were buzzing off each other.

Come up wasn't to intense in terms of feeling a huge rush, like crystal MDMA.

00:30-00.45 Still coming up but starting to level off. Feeling amazing, all my senses heightened, cant stop smiling and dancing. Making friends with everyone in the place. I was a big fan of the DJ and knew alot of the tunes so that definitely helped.

01:00 Dropped the rest of the pill

01:00 Absolutely flying, definately very pure pills as despite having loads of energy wasn't really interested in jumping around. Just found a spot on the floor and got lost in the music, focused on the lasers, lights, danced with eyes closed. Complete euphoria and felt on top of the world

01:45 Feel the second half kicking in, come up a small bit more but not too intense.

01;50 Out taking a break before main act comes on at 2 and i strike up a conversation wit a few random people, completely get lost in the conversation and dont care about the main DJ, I'm a huge fan. Massive love buzz at this stage Putting this in to emphasis the fact that even though i was flying and had tonnes of energy I was content to be chatting away. Went back in about 02.15

2-3:30 More of the same, feeling on top of the world, perfect dosage not too much. Just loving life and appreciating everything.

5:00 coming down, in bed about 30 minutes at this stage , just listening to music and relaxing. Drift off about 6.00

Woke up about 11.00 feeling great, had an afterglow for about 2 or 3 days and no comedown at all. Amazing pills. Was a bit concerned about the spread of MDMA in them but from my experience I'm guessing they were over 200, maybe 220.


mooley (member since February 1, 2013)

Good report dude n sounds like u had a proper blast 😀

February 21, 2015, 12:11 am GMT

lethalhighz (member since September 2, 2014)

completely off topic but if anybody hears off pink mcdonalds keep clear very dodgy pills. no chemical taste and tongue goes numb and different colour on inside. in leinster area thanks

February 28, 2015, 12:27 am GMT

theblackjoke (member since September 28, 2014)

Thanks man, I did indeed! I've to wait 2 months til the next one so counting the days!

March 2, 2015, 4:53 pm GMT