Pill Report: UPS


Posted by
February 2, 2015
Date Submitted
Same pills floating around the rest of the UK. Sure of it.
UPS Shield
Hard Press
Suspected Contents
MDxx High
User Report

Preloaded for about 2 weeks 1200ug SJW then 200mg 5-HTP.

1:00am: Dropped

2:00am Long, gradual an smooth come-up. First alert.

2:30am: Peaking hard. Waves of euphoria. Crazy eye wobbles. Mad gurns. In my experience. Definately over the 200mg mark.

2.45: Dropped another half. Probably a bad idea. Became a little overwhelming at times.

3:15 Things get a little hazy, start to zone out. Chat the usual bollocks. Abandon notes.

9:am These are the real deal folks. Real old-school MDMA, straight from the Dutch by all accounts. NEW USERS: Definately start with half.


thizzlethuck (member since December 7, 2014)

This is the FOURTH report been posted where this photo has been used. Stop

February 2, 2015, 12:02 pm GMT

jtrance9 (member since February 14, 2008)

Warnerboy how about you stop bashing the ups's. Seems like everything you post lately is negative about these pills. HMMM I smell agenda with you bro.

February 2, 2015, 5:19 pm GMT

mooley (member since February 1, 2013)

Hi masongy what is SJW? I only tend to take 5-htp after rolling, I've never pre loaded? To be honest if ur taking 200+mg pills do u need to even bother pre loading? Not having a pop just trying to understand ur reasons. respect 😀

February 2, 2015, 6:42 pm GMT

warnerboy (member since November 16, 2014)

Bad monday jtrance9? like i said before get some sleep, blue mondays can be hard, dont hate on me, i dont care you get frustrated, this gives no feedback to the reports you comment on. Just want to share experiences, results and feedback. http://cdn.alltheragefaces.com/img/faces/large/laughing-lol-crazy-l.png One for your bad monday ;-)

February 2, 2015, 6:59 pm GMT

masongy (member since February 17, 2014)


SJW, is Saint Johns Wort. It is a mild MAOI and significantly enhances your MDMA experience. Discontinue use 48hrs beforehand. It is excellent for 'regaining the magic'

P.S: Apologies for the dodgy report and lazy picture. It was a shot through, hungover kind of day when I wrote this.

March 3, 2015, 11:46 am GMT

mongoletsi (member since August 17, 2008)

"Preloaded for about 2 weeks 1200ug SJW then 200mg 5-HTP."

Taking 200mg for 2 weeks is bad m'kay? Combined with SJW you're at risk of serotonin syndrome. It's good you cease the SJW 48 hours beforehand though.

Personally I'd take 5-HTP after the event. Help you recover the serotonin.

Oh and as for these UPS... here in Manchester they seem variable; some knock you for six, some are just very strong. Probably safer to go halves which is something I've not done for a long time :) MDMA HIGH to REALLY HIGH in my opinion.

August 26, 2015, 10:07 am GMT