Pill Report: Green Turtle (Cut Out)
Green Turtle (Cut Out)


Posted by
December 25, 2014
Date Submitted
Hi guys, this is my first report so if I am leaving important details out I am sorry!
Picked up these pills from a reliable dealer. Looked them up on this website yet could not find anything on them, I could only find reports for the ninja turtles. I tested with a marquis test kit and reaction went purple to black around 5 seconds.
My time slots my be off, but its pretty close.
0:00 - drop 1 and 1/2 pills with a group of friends before going into the venue
0:15 - starting to feel weird on the inside, hands getting clammy, starting to clench jaw.
0:30 - we get inside the venue. I go to the bathroom with my friend and as I walk out I start to roll fucking balls! Feels amazing. Eyes wiggling out of control, jaw clinching is insane, music sounds great.
0:45 - trying to find some friends that I lost with my other friend, but its not working out due to the fact I couldn't read anything off my phone haha.
1:00 - Dancing all night long, very energetic pills. Go get some champagne to celebrate the new years.
1:30 - starting to come down but still feel great
3:00 - almost fully down, eye wiggles and jaw clinching still fully there however
3:45 - done rolling, have a nice after glow and decide to head back to the hotel.
Didn't have any problems falling asleep, did stay up for a little while after however. But overall these pills despite their small size are fucking amazing. Probably somewhere between 100-120 mg of pure mdma. Im an experienced user and 1 and a half got me pretty good. Next time I might take 2 just so the effects will last longer :)
Stay safe out there!
Euphoria - 8/10
Eye wiggles - 10/10
Jaw clinching - 10/10
Empathy - 8/10
Last Update
January 3, 2015
In shape of turtle
Suspected Contents
Tested Only
Marquis Reagent


stayhealthy970 (member since September 1, 2012)

Thanks for testing I haven't seen a report from CO in a while!

This is your first report an u been a member since 2011 ?! Thanks for contributing to the cummitey

Pic added

December 25, 2014, 3:47 pm GMT

rollnpeace (Moderator)

These are supposed to be decent pill. Above the 100mg mark. Nice find. Thanks for the report!

December 29, 2014, 2:12 am GMT

unfuckwitable (member since December 14, 2011)

damn that photo brought back alot of TMNT action-figure memories, yo!

thanx for reporting & happy new year!

January 3, 2015, 8:41 am GMT

braydon6 (member since July 27, 2012)

Love these cut outs hahaha! From decadance Im assuming. Crazy lineup. Had a blast

February 17, 2015, 10:26 pm GMT

dippi (member since October 13, 2014)

I LOVED THESE!!!!!!!!!! Amazing pills double dropping out the gate. Nice ride. Epic

March 18, 2015, 4:43 am GMT

naldy (member since April 10, 2015)

Denver represent!!!! Been getting these for a solid 4 months now. Wont get/pop any other x pills besides these!!
Great to see CO love! Lets all roll together! Lol

April 10, 2015, 7:15 am GMT