Pill Report: Shark, Star and armani mix
Shark, Star And Armani Mix


Posted by
May 6, 2006
Date Submitted
ouwe snoeperd
Just look at the picture.
Shark, Star and armani
All white
All round
5.0 mm
7.0 mm
Solid only the star will break easely
Suspected Contents
MDxx and Amphetamine
MDxx High
User Report

This is not a realy special report but just wanted to say how freaking incredible i feld.

I was at a party "Panic in Rotterdam @ Outland"
About 24:00pm i took the armani, then i had the feeling not realy much was going to happen (15 min later:S) so i took the star.

When both of the pills where comming up i feld incredible it was unbelivible.

at about 1:00am i took 1.5 shark (i wasnt realy sure of these pills because there was a lot of comotion with the sharks, but this was a new press so i just took the damn pill)

THE WHOLE FUCKING NIGHT I FELD LIKE A FUCKING SUPERMAN OR SOMETHING !! it was so freaking great, But i think there was some Amphetamines in 1 of these pills because i didnt slept all night :S at 6:00am i tryed finding my house (normaly its max. 10 min walk) but this time i just couldn't fount it so i just walked on the rails of the subway for 3 stations and so in about an hour i found my house !!:D then went to bed but you know just laying there for about 3 hours then i got out of bed at 10:00am took a shower and now i am writing this report and still feel fucking weird !! :D.

CONCLUSION: If you mix these pills you have a fucking great night, but if you want to sleep some.. just dont =]


ouwe snoeperd (member since March 10, 2006)

ja mensen dit was echt 1 van de gekkere avonden die ik heb mee gemaakt... Het is echt voor de "die-hard" gebruikers een keertje aan te raden. !!

May 6, 2006, 9:17 am GMT

terrorshockin (member since November 15, 2005)

die heb ik elk weekend ;)

May 6, 2006, 12:12 pm GMT

spawn (member since March 31, 2006)

Jaja klinkt goed dat rapport, maar waar kan k alle 3 die schijve hale wahha. armanis heb ik gehad maar daar zit echt geen pepp of zo in. andere weet ik niet.
zolang je der maar hard van gaat he;)

May 6, 2006, 12:15 pm GMT

london runner (member since November 18, 2005)

the sharks n the armanis have speed in em, not sure bout the star though as i aint dun 1.

May 6, 2006, 12:34 pm GMT

terrorshockin (member since November 15, 2005)

Die eerste, van mijn rapport zit wel pep in.. maar die is roze..

May 6, 2006, 5:07 pm GMT

london runner (member since November 18, 2005)

@ ouwe snoeperd - did your sharks have speckles or pure white

May 6, 2006, 5:07 pm GMT

ouwe snoeperd (member since March 10, 2006)

@ london runner - they where pure white

May 7, 2006, 2:25 pm GMT

depsychonaut (member since February 11, 2006)

hoeveel te gekke combo`s wil je van mij horen?kan soms echt super uitpakken.dusse..was wel een knalfuif?

May 9, 2006, 8:51 pm GMT

madchemist (member since October 21, 2005)

How can you know ..exactly how much MDMA / MDA is in each of these pills?

May 13, 2006, 7:05 pm GMT

zzz199 (member since April 30, 2006)

I was thinking that, especially as you say one had speed in.

May 15, 2006, 11:57 am GMT

mslocaa (member since March 18, 2006)

Nou die mdma gehaltes geloof ik niet, zijn dat lab uitslagen van het test centrum?!

@madchemist, You bring them to a test centre, they examine the pills in the lab, you have to wait one week and then they will give you a rapport! This can only in holland unfortunately.. But then you know EXACT how much there's in it!

@terrorshoking Naar mijn ervaring zitten er in roze pillen altijd pep!

May 16, 2006, 7:48 am GMT

zzz199 (member since April 30, 2006)

@mslocaa - How much does it cost?

May 16, 2006, 10:10 pm GMT

mslocaa (member since March 18, 2006)


May 18, 2006, 12:28 pm GMT

chemistry (member since March 21, 2006)

2 ouwe snoeperd can u fly cause i have an idea that we know each other..

May 23, 2006, 4:58 pm GMT

up up and away (member since June 4, 2006)

I got my hands on some sharks last week, I tried one. Taking 2 halves 2 hours apart. Didn't f*cking sleep. My best guess is lots of caffeine, 'cause I had a terrible headache, a sort of hangover the next day. Probably there was some amfetamine in it to.

June 4, 2006, 8:27 pm GMT

ouwe snoeperd (member since March 10, 2006)

@ up up and away thnx man i needed some info like that :D but i al ready was pretty sure that one of them had Amphetamines inside but i didnt know what one :P

June 8, 2006, 6:40 am GMT

ndrangeta (member since April 11, 2006)

I had the sharks too. Didn't sleep, but it was certainly NO xtc-pill! I think it was speed or something, becuase I didn't get the great feeling you get from xtc.

July 6, 2006, 11:37 am GMT

pillenboertje (member since February 27, 2006)

Die haaien zijn lekker heb gehoort dat er keta door zit

July 9, 2006, 12:20 pm GMT

petratje (member since December 7, 2006)

Van die haaien zijn er veel slechte in omloop.. die die ik heb zijn leuk, maar twijfel toch aan het mdma gehalte., een vriend claimde er ook misselijk van te worden..

Maar goed, waar vind je nou nog wel zuivere goede these days:P

December 7, 2006, 1:00 pm GMT

feelfree (member since July 20, 2007)

Once in a while i get back and read this report - it's so funny and orginial. LoL LoL...

April 15, 2008, 10:33 pm GMT