Pill Report: Pink Chupa Chups
Pink Chupa Chups


Posted by
October 20, 2014
Date Submitted
Chupa chups logo

Pink with whitish speckles through out.

Logo inpressed into pill.

Single scoreline/breakline on back.

Told 130mg.
Last Update
October 21, 2014
Chupa Chups
Flower (Circular with 8 bumps)
5.0 mm
10.0 mm
Hard pressed
Suspected Contents
MDxx Medium
Marquis Reagent
User Report

Roughly 9.15pm - took one at a party.

Approx 40 minutes later, very noticable warming and tingling as start to come up as we watch a dj and chat.

Probably 10 minutes later, feel the need to be sick (very common for me when coming up). Once this is out of the way, i feel good.

Lovely rushes, but not too much gurning (hopefully!), making lots of new friends.

I'm told i had another half a few hours later, but don't remember taking that!!

Really good night and headed to bed late, but no trouble sleeping once there.

The next day after a long sleep felt ok, but not brilliant as was also drinking.


euph0riaa (member since January 31, 2013)

Anyone else had these??

October 24, 2014, 11:27 pm GMT

wizardmcnew2 (member since September 25, 2014)

@Euphoria I've had these really good pills MDMA quality in them is mint

October 25, 2014, 10:54 am GMT

lazerbeams (member since April 2, 2014)

Quality these much much better then the gold bars going around in my opinion

Good quality MDMA pressed into these

October 25, 2014, 10:47 pm GMT

wizardmcnew2 (member since September 25, 2014)

@lazerbeams I agree mate

October 26, 2014, 11:10 am GMT

euph0riaa (member since January 31, 2013)

Really nice pills. 2nd one never hit me properly though for some reason... not sure why. Could be tolerance issues...

October 26, 2014, 2:20 pm GMT

neebor (Moderator)

@laser. Must be the low end gold bars your'e talking about cause top end are dyno. Thought these were pretty average alomg woth the red ones and the similair press green clover. You realy need two dont u?

October 27, 2014, 12:02 am GMT

lazerbeams (member since April 2, 2014)

I just think it's better quality md in these than gold bars I would rather have 130mg of better quality md than 200mg of average quality , maybe it is a low end batch I've tried but I've had them a few times now and preferred the chupa chups give me a better buzz

October 27, 2014, 7:52 pm GMT

spacer69 (member since October 20, 2014)

Personally not tried the gold bars, but find a whole one of the dutch strong beans too much for me. These are pretty much perfect for what i want without being *too wrecked. I also found the clovers to be a nice strength, who i think was the same presser.

October 27, 2014, 10:08 pm GMT

dumper1 (member since February 20, 2014)

Hi guys.I had a couple of these on sat night.I haven't been out in a while and last pills I had were blue ghosts.these chupas were much better.I took them in halves and had a great night.proper clean pill with no side effects I found.slept well and have ate no bother.bit my tongue without knowing.like 91 all over again :)

October 28, 2014, 1:44 am GMT

bogman (member since March 27, 2008)

these sound like the perfect pill

November 1, 2014, 9:13 am GMT

thexperience (member since April 22, 2012)

lab tested : 175.6mg MDMA HCl !!!


November 29, 2014, 8:41 pm GMT