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Yellow Pear

St Catharines

Posted by
September 27, 2005
Date Submitted
pillreports v1
Obtained some Yellow Pears last weekend because I heard good things about them from some sources.

I took 3 yellow pears but the effects and rating I provide here are based on only the first pill I dropped to be more accurate for you guys =)

Pill Characteristics:
- Domed on both sides
- No score
- Very nice looking press, indented into the pill
- Bright yellow color
- Looks almost exactly like the Yellow Butterfly's that are still around (I bet they come from the same manufacturer)
- Very little to no smell
- Bitter taste
- Semi-hard press, crumbled with a bit of effort

- Onset in 20 minutes
- After another 20 minutes pill reached its maximum peak
- Mild jaw clenching
- No eye wiggles
- Mild euphoria that slowly increased
- Music sounded awesome
- Much more talkative
- Pupil dilation
- Felt great to say the least, same with my friend
- Peak lasted a good 3 hours, then gradually came down
- Come down was very smooth, no desire to do more (though I still did)
- All my senses were in tact throughout the experience and the next day, I was also able to eat fine the next day
- Was also able to go to sleep

Overall these pills are pretty good. I found it a little on the weak side, but hey thats just me.

Seems like a big boost in good pills around the Falls, lets hope it continues.
Pear (nicely pressed)
Circular, domed
Suspected Contents


hhcbutterfly (member since October 24, 2005)

i took one of those about a month ago they're nice and clean... not that speedy crap, so you can keep good control of what your doing and get a nice euphoria or e-puddle goin. i was nice and chill on that shit

October 24, 2005, 5:37 am GMT

dell500 (member since December 15, 2005)

Pretty sure I ate one of these last night (3.18). Good pill, bitter as hell and came down about 6 hours afterwards... no speedy effects except for now, since I like my bed more than a chair to sleep in :) Anyway, good pill.

March 19, 2006, 3:55 pm GMT