Pill Report: 1-ups


Posted by
October 13, 2014
Date Submitted
Again sorry for the crappy quality photo it was taken on my iPod at a festival. Disregard the red pill (report for that here http://www.pillreports.com/index.php?page=display_pill&id=33935)
Relatively hard to break in half, well-pressed logo looked near perfect as far as I could tell.
Last Update
October 13, 2014
Mario 1-up Mushroom, break line on the back
Suspected Contents
MDxx High
User Report

Same festival as my last report but the second night's antics.
Once again my friends and I dropped half at first to test the water as we had no way of telling what they were like only word of mouth from the dude we got em from.

+20mins - Start feeling waves of warmth and minor euphoria, general good vibes for the evening ahead.

+40mins - Friend of mine begins to look pretty wrecked already, he has a funny habit of only one pupil dilating in the come-up. Shaky jaw and tingly limbs.

+45mins - We are all feeling it now, jaw clenching and feeling of restlessness and impatience towards the fact that we are still faffing before heading into the arena. Drop other half.

+1hr - My god the other half hit me like a tonne of bricks. Feeling wasted and even need to sit down and have a cig to catch up with myself.

+1hr20 - Eyes rolling, jaw a-swingin' and dancing to be done. Really feeling the music. Come-up easing off now.

+1hr30 - Plateau reach a good level of fucked, actually in control of my eyes and jaw (when i stop and think about what i'm doing anyway!) Dance for a bit to some okay House, not feeling the music as much.

+1hr45 - Decide that the music isn't as good as previously thought. Euphoria is still there but maybe the setting isn't right so we head back to the tents for another rave of our own.

+2hr - Decide that it's time to break out the crystal MDMA before we start to come down, knock back a few big dabs then we are on our way again.

+2hr30 - Back to where we were a couple of hours ago, back to talking shit, losing train of thoughts and so much chewing gum and ciggies. Bump into some old "neighbours" (we managed to camp next to the same people 3 years in a row what are the odds!) had a rave shared a few pills out and had a wicked time.

From then on we just kept dabbing the MDMA to keep ourselves going. It was the last night of the festival so we had to keep ourselves up somehow! Impressed with these beans they were pretty good, just a shame we had to keep topping ourselves up with crystal as the previous night when we had the Nintendos we were rolling all night without outside help from crystal! Bit of a savage come up on these fellas can't imagine what it would have been like if we dropped a whole one straight away, probably would have been the horizontal phase. But as I said in the previous report my friends and I are not used to taking pills (this was the 2nd time ever, we only usually take MDMA crystal) so we do not really have anything to compare them to. No complaints though and worth the money!


wizardmcnew2 (member since September 25, 2014)

Take them out bag and take another pic please

October 13, 2014, 6:22 pm GMT

quadruna (member since July 20, 2014)

I would if I could but these are all gone, what you see in the pic is what I had. Ate them all at the next festival. Pic was taken end of July. If you look closely at the bottom left one you can make out the mushroom logo, there was only a break line on the back.

October 13, 2014, 6:28 pm GMT

neebor (Moderator)

I had darker blue toads before. they are absolute garbage. Waste of money.

October 16, 2014, 7:40 pm GMT

littleotik (member since October 20, 2014)

I have registered especially to say I suspect this is a dealer report. The same guy has reviewed the Nintendo All Stars giving them a glowing review when seemingly everyone else thinks they are no longer any good.
I had some red 1ups/toads in early September and they were rubbish; took them back for a refund.

October 20, 2014, 6:39 pm GMT

quadruna (member since July 20, 2014)

haha i wish i was a dealer, i'm just new to pills dont ask me why we all got so wrecked

October 23, 2014, 12:41 pm GMT