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Gold Bar


Posted by
September 28, 2014
Date Submitted
Small rectangle pill with Gold stamped on one side and 199.99mg on the other
Gold on one side/199.9mg on the other
Suspected Contents
MDxx High
User Report

Was out with a few friends at a trance gig, I'd have medium tolerance but haven't had any for about 2 months.

I'd made sure to eat well the day of taking it and took vitamin C, magnesium and anti oxidents

23.25 - Dropped first half

00.00 - Started feeling first mild effects

00.15 - Started coming up properly now, everything started becoming more intense and all my senses felt heightened. Began to feel euphoric, like an intense energy bubbling up from my chest and was smiling. But the peak wasnt as high as i'd have expected

00.35 - Around this time I stopped coming up (or if i crept up from this point, not too intense). It leveled off, I would have expected it to last longer and it wasn't as intense as the last time I came up (on a ghost, but that time it was in a few different pieces) still feeling great, talking to everyone enjoying the lasers but not as intense as I'd have expected. At this stage my pupils where huge. But i didnt feel as high as I have been before considering how strong I was told the pill was.

01.15 - Dropped another quarter

Didnt really feel I came up much more but I was having a great night.

02.30 - Starting to wear off slightly, still feel in great form but energy is declining at this stage so I just chilled and watched the last half hour of the set and headed home

03.30 - Got onto bed, felt good. No jaw grinding and was asleep within a half hour

09.00 - Woke up feeling amazing

Very clean pill, no comedown. Felt great all next day. I would have expected it to hit me harder having taken 3/4 of it so maybe this was from the 2nd batch which is apparently not as strong. Next time I'll go with the full thing in 2 halves but better to be safe than sorry, still had a great night!


encryption (member since October 6, 2014)

Really is a shame of the lack of variety going around in the majority of Ireland at the moment.
Most dealers will attempt to sell these at 10 Euro, but are they worth it considering they probably don't have twice the amount of MDMA as Grenades which are going around at 5 Euro?

October 6, 2014, 8:19 pm GMT

theblackjoke (member since September 28, 2014)

Yeah true, I don't mind paying more if theyre clean which these seem to be, I've never taken grenades though. Are they as clean?

October 10, 2014, 11:46 am GMT

encryption (member since October 6, 2014)

Well I've taken yellow grenades, they are ok. You can either feel like shit for the next few days after or really good. I eat healthy, work out, sleep enough and take vitamins/supplements to feel great during my roll and days after. Read up on Yellow grenades are considered the cleanest outta any grenade, they leave indigestion and your stomach churning for the next 2 days. I heard blue grenades are more intense, I'll probably be buying dominoes or yellow grenades next.

October 11, 2014, 1:37 pm GMT

michaelz (member since December 21, 2014)

Have been looking for these everywhere can't get my hands on them. Absolutely great.

December 21, 2014, 11:37 pm GMT