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Blue Stars


Posted by
May 7, 2014
Date Submitted
Reasonably large pill, circular blue yokes with a star indent on one side. Bought recently in Dublin.
Indented five-pointed star
Suspected Contents
MDxx High
User Report

Four of us took these in different amounts- two friends took four halves over the course of the night, another took two halves (it was his first time), and I took a full one then a half three hours later.

The batch we got were safe, and from our subjective knowledge pretty clean. Obviously without a testkit you can't be sure but I think they were pretty pure MDMA. The comeup was really intense, and then afterwards there were strong feelings of love and loads of energy. Overall we all lasted around 5-6 hours. Everyone who took them had a great time.
The comedown the next day was a little rough, and my jaw was chattering away the whole night and sore the next morning, but that's what you get I suppose.

I'd recommend these if you can find them, at least while nobody is testing pills in Ireland. They're safe and good quality.


buzz2014 (member since May 9, 2014)

took 2 of these last week. seemed to be a clean pill, would definitely take again!

May 9, 2014, 7:52 pm GMT

punkbuzz (member since January 6, 2014)

What are the difference between these and blue rock stars even in press?

May 10, 2014, 3:51 pm GMT

janelane (member since May 13, 2014)

Nice report. Did these have the trademark r printed on the back? Also were they flat or more convex in shape?

May 13, 2014, 9:17 pm GMT

skagison (member since June 1, 2013)

I've had blue stars in the past, None of which ever had an (R) on the back, I think it is the rockstars that have (R) on the back, I have seen people calling pills rockstars when they were actually just blue stars. I could be wrong though.

May 14, 2014, 3:40 pm GMT

bogman (member since March 27, 2008)

welcome to the site and thanks for making the report.

Blue pills with a star logo and no R on the back have being knocking about a year now.

have tested them a few times and always MDxx.

imo there about the 90mg but some people reckon there 70/80mg while others put them up at 120/130mg.

could be a big spread in dosage or just down to tolerance.

May 14, 2014, 4:02 pm GMT

mlz4plz (member since April 11, 2012)

These are definitely the shit.. Been taking pills for about 4 years and found these to have the least comedown and an overall clean buzz!

May 15, 2014, 12:20 am GMT

caca7 (member since April 21, 2014)

Totally agree with all prev posters. These are the best looking & the best synthesised I've had in years. Flat, only a score on the back, no R. Very professional look & feel. No scag, grand the next day. The comeup is nice with a little strength, which is good. Everyone was raving about the lion faces & the blue ghosties but these are way better in my opinion due to the excellent quality of synthesis. Popping many years now, high tolerance, these are the best all-rounders I've come across since back in the day. Enjoy.

May 15, 2014, 6:22 pm GMT

imwasted247 (member since September 1, 2014)

Sniffed 6 of these last weekend was a pretty good buzz no comedown and slept fine

September 1, 2014, 5:47 pm GMT