Pill Report: 7UP - 3X - 6/49 - SWIRL - ( MANY MANY BATCHES )
7UP - 3X - 6/49 - SWIRL - ( MANY MANY BATCHES )

Quebec/Montreal - Joliette

Posted by
March 7, 2013
Date Submitted
I will add some pictures later... Okay this post is to inform all of you people about the speed pills around here. There is actually a TON of new prints out every day or so. Some are old prints, some are new, but whatever print it is, WE ARE FLOODED WITH DESIGNER DRUGS. Basicly all come from the same place. Pill pressers don't know about what they press, they buy it in powder form from the chemist or closely related people. As for whats in them, we will never know until tested at edata.. Even if we test, we get fooled by closely related to amp/Mamp chems or just a few of it so it tests right for amp/Mamp.. But the thing is that people dont care about it beeing real speed or not. Even I been fooled and now don't rly care. As long as its ''good''. And its all people care, they hunt them, test every possible logos, then, one gets poppular and everyone tells you this logo or that logo is the best, and it is, definitly, designer drugs.. I can't rly identify any in particular.. But I would like to try real MDPV as im pretty sure it would be the high were all looking for when buying speed.. I dont know about how far this plague is around from where I live ( 1 hour of montreal ). Maybe the batches were amp/Mamp for north eastearn people, or western places ( BC, vancouver ). Anyway, now the hunt for real speed is almost the same as the hunt for real XTC. GOOD LUCK and keep fooling yourself like everybody does with E. Do you think we are not buying those? I do not, but they sell pretty good and I hear alot of them are BOMBS!! ( 5 for 20$??! No feeling of love, just ''tripping balls'' ) NO MDMA. So thats were we are, I am gonna post some picture of the new 7UP. I will try getting the 3X and the 6/49 and the SWIRL as they all have the same apparence under them ( domed but on 90% of the pill, 10% is flat around the dome )They also smell what people tell speed is supposed to smell ( lol ) real distinc chemical smell ( I myself love that smell, and its pretty bad how it stinks lool. I guess that when your brain love the chem, no matter how bad it will smell and taste, you will love it.
Last Update
March 10, 2013
7UP - 3X - 6/49 - SWIRL - STAR - AIRPLANE
White, grey specs
3.0 mm
8.0 mm
SOLID for all of them
You see they are cut by some quality machines
Suspected Contents
Other - please see report
User Report

About the high?? Well.. For I dont know what reason, I now snort them. I stopped swallowing them. It depend on them, but usualy real quick onset. Some makes me REAL COLD. Some makes me real hot. Thats usualy not what im looking for but if nothing else available they still do the job. Not feeling like I want to clean shit around. NOT at all, just lazy ass doing repetitive thing like watching T.V, playing computer, smoking pot, snorting another line, beeing up all night, then doing almost nothing good of the day, avoiding people as they gets me anxious on probably 9/10 of the pills. Usualy the high I love dont refrain me from eating, but some pills have low effects but MAJOR insomnia and no desire to eat. Now I just try a new 7UP this morning and my fingers are SOOOOOOO COLD. Long ass dripping in my nose to my throat.. Avoiding people, cellphone, etc. and guess what, I like it.. Time goes fast, I feel good but only If I do what I want. Also the star, I was gonna forget this one, theres a speed around here, real crumbly, with a star in the middle, inprinted in the pill not out of it, flat back, scored in half. The white one is okay, but the one that is REAL crumbly and breaks real easy, is a real nasty one. It also is kind of pinkish and has pink spec in it. BEWARE of this one it is REALLY a depressive one, 2-3 hour high and you feel depressive.. No more high, totaly gone and left in despair.. WHAT THE HECK IS HAPPENING HERE!!! People only identified the swirl as beeing bathsalts?? cmon they all are!!! :D and we love them, we are dumbasses and we support those chems!! :P same for the ecstasys.. LOL. But they are more obvious about not beeing MDMA then our speeds not beeing amphetamines.. Those research chemicals are not THAT BAD Id say, Ill look at myself in a year or two and we will seee.. As for what I kinda look now? Well that guy one youtube describing his high to the news, he say he had a damn hallucinating trip but it was his only one like that and blablabla ( you see hes obviously on them, he did not stop, well.. We are resembling to him more and more!! ) REALLY, and like he say, he never had what we hear about bathsalts except once.. So people, its not because you take those speed for 2-3 days straight you are going to be a zombie head on bathsalts.. It always depend, but go see in psychiatric section in hospital and you will see how many people got here thru emergency having panic attacks and agitation, paranoya and exagerated illusions cuz of speed. So now people please, take picture of you speed pills and lets show people how many prints we have for a so little place called QUEBEC. LETS BE POPPULAR AND SHOW THE WORLD HOW MANY PRESSES WE HAVE PER DAY!! YOU CANT IMAGIN HOW GOOD PRESSERS WE ARE :p We are PRINTERS, and not chemist!! thats what makes our pill logos sooo diversified and looks like many people uses the same stamp :P They probably sell the stamp with the chems too or sumthing like that!!! Going to post many pict inside of 1 big picture with all the logos I get from now on!! PEACE and be safe!


tripdebouffe (member since July 23, 2012)

Also alot of them will taste like sugar, especially this summer but still new presses tasting sugar, still they have active chemicals in them. It doesnt make them less potent but is just surprising to taste some pills and they look like candy.. They are easyly found at 5 for 25$. Which also is kind of crazy as I only need 1 for a whole 24 hour ( 4 quarters ). And now, real recently, the pinkish star I talked about earlyer, and the 7UP ( got that new batch this morning ) have something in them that makes your nose react like with cocaine ( numbly feeling, easy to feel, we all looked at ourselfs after snorting this one and were like, WTF!!! loool, it was weird and is still weird this time!! I dont like that cut.. I love feeling how my nose react to the chem.. And as for myself, this is the 4th batch of 7UP I get. ( first batch was probably normal speed, then we had a weak batch in the same time there was Projet X, the fake Kyle Brovlosky ( pure sugar ), The excel, the tide, the orange crush ( was probly one of the best print I had seen in my life, but didnt get any high or so ). This second batch would get people anxious but was not so bad. Third batch was the best of them 7UP. And now this 4th batch is pretty weak and nasty feeling.

March 7, 2013, 9:24 pm GMT

yanker (member since March 10, 2011)

I'm taking a shot in the dark but I'm guessing your on some sort of speed right now??!!

There's a lot of information here but its a hard read with it just bunched all together. But def a lot more Info here than on your fellow countrymans report two posts down on the fox report.

I've never done speed nor do I think I'd ever want to. I'm a nervous wreck to begin with add some speed into the mix iI'd probably drive myself crazy.

March 7, 2013, 10:02 pm GMT

tripdebouffe (member since July 23, 2012)


March 7, 2013, 11:55 pm GMT

mixology101 (member since September 29, 2005)

This is your brain on drugs. Lol, yes alot of info made me feel sped up while reading it - take a break man can't tell what your endorsing here speed or bs bath salts.

March 8, 2013, 3:39 am GMT

speedpill (member since July 11, 2011)

I agree with you about:
how hard it is to find good speed (one that you don't have to take every 2-3 hours to keep the high)
there is some ICE that are potent but at a "good" price

And don't forget that USUALY that summer is a sign of more potent, good stuffed SPEED pill.(those that make time goes fast and you do something!
not being sitting on your ass
(I know,it's the reason that Iam here tonight lol)

March 8, 2013, 4:42 am GMT

tripdebouffe (member since July 23, 2012)

That is the pink version of the white star, watch closely when buying stars because you dont want this one!!

March 8, 2013, 6:51 am GMT

tripdebouffe (member since July 23, 2012)

Here is a good picture of it and its edges I was talking about!! Best pict ever :P


March 8, 2013, 7:05 am GMT

rollinbiscuit (member since June 29, 2009)

this report made me feel sped the fuck up.. holy shit fuck. this is ur brain on drugs lmao. good details tho.

March 8, 2013, 4:28 pm GMT

justpopit (member since October 22, 2010)

Tu devrais pas trop sniffer sa si tu veu que ton nez sois encor fonctionnel a 30 ans ;)

March 9, 2013, 7:10 am GMT

speedfreak420 (member since October 30, 2012)

so your saying all the speed we buy dont have any amp or meth in them ? like the ufc, ice, bazooka joe, white rolex... thats what is around here at the moment, all RC's in them ? wtf man gonna have to get myself a dexedrine script atleast Ill know what im fucking taking!!

March 9, 2013, 7:26 pm GMT

speedfreak420 (member since October 30, 2012)

lol there should be a pillreport site for us tweakers who wants to know wich one really has amphetamine/meth in them!

March 9, 2013, 7:29 pm GMT

tripdebouffe (member since July 23, 2012)

I know there is some meth pills around, just not sure what logo. When talking about the ice.. forget it were talking about so many different chems lool there have been like so many batches!! UFC I THINK was amp. Bazooka tested closely related to amp so it is an analogue, this making it an RC. I dont know for white rolex, did not heard about it. And usualy first batch of something will be real amp/meth. Then comes the ''clone'' ''fakes'' or whatever you call it.

March 10, 2013, 10:13 pm GMT

tripdebouffe (member since July 23, 2012)

Im going out to buy some different batches, pics coming!!
My hunt was really interesting. NEW PILLS AGAIN!! This time the ''airplane''. Which has that dome on the back!! same as the swirl, same dome, this dome is seen on the 6/49 and the 3x but alot more pills!! the new 7UP etc!! Pics coming on imageshack real soon

March 10, 2013, 10:14 pm GMT

tripdebouffe (member since July 23, 2012)

The swirl with the famous dome I am talking about ( IM GLAD some people figured out it was not speed!!, still is really reallllly goood :D )
AND A NEW ONE HOOORAYY!! ( every day or so new pills coming, what is the old lady gonna do with all those 7UP she had 3-4 days ago?? WHO CARES SHE Now has hundreds of swirl and airplane and some with a pig face on it but been told its real cr@p. Not intended to buy.. if nothing available, I will.


March 10, 2013, 11:00 pm GMT

blueberry (member since December 6, 2010)

tripdebouffe Merci pour toute l'info que tu partage sur ce que tu es témoin je vais doubler d'attention aussi comme avec la E.

March 11, 2013, 12:01 am GMT

tripdebouffe (member since July 23, 2012)

C'est moi qui te remerci, je me demande si je fais ca pour rien ce warning a propos des pipes/cathinone etc dans nos pills. Ca fait deja un bon 3 mois que je voulais avertir le quebec. En tous cas cest fait, et a propos de la swirl jai passer 2 nuit blanche de suite avec et je men venais vraiment skyzo, ca ma presque jamais fais ca dma vie, ca fait peur.

March 13, 2013, 4:28 pm GMT

speeddemonqc (member since February 4, 2012)

non tripdebouffe on apprécie! we like the m reports, keep em coming... from wich area are you reporting from? im reporting from quebec city!

March 15, 2013, 1:36 am GMT

stashpants (member since September 18, 2010)

Bien dit tripedebouffe. Dont stop posting picture of all the press in Qc. The world have to know the thruth ahah

March 18, 2013, 6:50 am GMT

tripdebouffe (member since July 23, 2012)

@ speeddemonqc Reporting from Joliette, 1 hour from the big Montreal!! (loolz)

March 20, 2013, 10:53 am GMT

ppa4life (member since August 23, 2012)

@tripdebouffe hey man just wondering whats your opinion on the 3x, i just picked up some today but im debating on trying them, are they strong/weak, good high or sketchy?

April 14, 2013, 3:40 am GMT

speedfreak420 (member since October 30, 2012)

just got 2 blue stars given to me, they`re exactly the same as the one in the pic exept its blue, does anyone know whats in these?

May 5, 2013, 8:25 am GMT

jenels (member since May 10, 2013)

Yes me too i want to know what's in the blue star. I took them a few times and I dont think it's real speed?

May 9, 2013, 10:21 pm GMT