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February 9, 2013
Date Submitted
Thick freaking pills with breakline. Off white (pretty much white with brown MDMA chunks showing through)

Smell like straight MDMA pills from back in the day - oh yum!
Last Update
February 11, 2013
Hand with Thumb Sticking Up
White / Off Whie / Brown Specs
Suspected Contents
MDxx High
User Report

Supposed to be 220mg MDMA.

Went ahead and got our doses ready for the night so I broke 3 in half (Only planned on taking 2 total between the wife and I but got the other one ready just in case :)

They did have a breakline on the back however these things are so thick and well pressed they didn't break exactly in half I ended up with pieces so I took out the scales and weighed out exact halves and put them in shot glasses for later dosing.

8:00 p.m. - wife and I take first half. I am a E head from back in the day but the past few years I have only had decent molly and haven't had anything other than a little oxy (e, weed, etc.) in 3-4 months so our tolerance was low. Headed to the studio to bust out a proper mix!

8:15 p.m. - I swear I am starting to feel something and I've only just mixed my 3rd track. Maybe it's the anticipation?

8:30 p.m. - already getting rushes in my body, wow this is good shit - the molly I had been taking was totally decent but never too rushy like this.

8:45 p.m. - After mixing a track in, I run to the bathroom and check my eyes, they are freaking huge and you can hardly see and color in my eyes. Go back and mix for a few more minutes and between the loud music right in my face and all the lights on my equipment my eyes start flipping like crazy - I couldn't hardly play...So I mixed into a closing track and just let it play while I sat on the couch with the wifey and drank some champagne and water.

9:00 p.m. - go outside for a smoke, I usually don't smoke menthols but they taste great tonight. Rushes are getting stronger and I can tell these pills are the business!

9:15 p.m. - was going to try to continue to mix but I couldn't even make it upstairs I told the wife to go straight to the bedroom so we could chill in there as I had it fixed up with music, blacklights, these little glow in the dark planets, moons and stars stuck all over the walls. Definitely peaking.

9:30 p.m. - 10:15 p.m. - just laying listening to music, pretty mashed lol, going outside every few minutes and smoking a cig, drinking water and champagne. We decided to take a quarter of a pill each (so .75 pill each - should have been and felt like 165mg so far)

10:30 p.m. - fuck it, I say let's take another quarter so as of now we have had 1 pill each (220mg or so?) - Feeling good as fuck, chilling with the wife telling her how much I love her and all that shit lol - just laying in bed with her and our two dogs. One of them just got groomed and she was sooo freaking soft! Eye are going like crazy when I look at the winamp visualizer we had on (milkdrop)

10:50 or so - I wanted to take a shower with the wife, she was so mashed she couldn't even get up so I go take a proper shower and it felt so fucking good! Spend about 5 minutes washing my hair and body and another 15 with the hot water pouring over me - felt really good when I turned it hot (not scalding) and put my head under it - oh yeah!

11:15 p.m. - out of shower and out I go for a cig again lol - I told the wife earlier I was going to give her the best massage ever and I was ready for some rubbing and touching - proceed to give her a nice sensual massage all over her body with this mango lotion that smells like you are at the beach - I actually lost myself in everything I was doing and had these thoughts of islands and stuff because the mango smelled so good and I was pretty mashed.

11:40 or so - Sexy time! I don't need to go into detail on this but these pills are good for sex (almost like and MDMA MDEA or MDA clean pill I have ever had)

12:15 or 12:25 or so - Dang, I finished already - strange this is on the molly I had been getting and even pills here and there for the past few years I can come really quick while rolling, fucking nuts I used to be able to go for hours and how its wham bam thank you.

12:30 - 2:00 - still going pretty strong, listening to track between my iphone and wifes. At 1:45 or so I get the crazy idea we should take a half, the wife says "We don't need it" and I said "I know, tee hee" So we dose another and our final half (1.5 so far, approx. 325 mg) I wouldn't say it was a waste because I felt so fucking awesome but after about 2:30 for a few hours I couldn't even open my eyes I was feeling soooooo good lol.

rolled straight till 4 or 5 and took a little oxy to blend well with the night.

These pills like I said are the fucking biz - The synth in them seems A+++++ and they are def. high dosed - I have been taking E for almost 15 years and I don't think I would take a whole on of these...Have some leftover for a future time but am looking around for Skulls and maybe some Bombs for my collection I am starting.

Eye Wiggles - 7/10
Rushing - 9/10
Jaw Clenching -7/10
Empathy - 9/10
Dose - 12/10
Synth - 10/10

Today is the next day and I am ok, very tired and def have roll head.

Highly recommended!


experienced (member since January 23, 2009)

Post a picture, its is really important! :)

February 9, 2013, 10:04 pm GMT

crobarkid00 (member since August 22, 2011)

haha nice report homie. havnt tried these yet but ive heard they are right up there with the defqons, speakers and red bulls. Stroooong pills lol
your from the US too right? nice grab :)

February 10, 2013, 1:48 am GMT

bearlove (member since August 25, 2008)

Nice report but where were these taken?

Molly - Dang = makes me suspect US ?

February 11, 2013, 5:21 am GMT

jtrance9 (member since February 14, 2008)

are these better than the partyflocks going around now? Im trying to decide on these the partyflocks nintendos speakers or gernandes. I want some good ones for intimacy gatherings...

February 11, 2013, 3:04 pm GMT

damparse (member since September 22, 2010)

Hitch hikers we call them..always a great pill.

February 12, 2013, 1:59 pm GMT

danielone (member since April 18, 2010)

Location non state, molly, dang, a long roll report heh. Bear knows it. :) Good reputation these have anyway, up there with the big boys.

February 13, 2013, 12:14 am GMT

weetvanwanten (member since August 17, 2009)


February 13, 2013, 8:05 pm GMT