Pill Report: molly


Posted by
December 1, 2012
Date Submitted
so i got this molly from a friend and the tests go from left to right marquis mecke simons. the marquis went from yellow to yellow with an orange puddle in the middle. simons went blue and mecke went yellow. i believe this to be methylone but since there was orange it could also be methylone/methamphetamine. the capsule is different from others its all white and you cannot see through it. test everything before consuming and stay safe. i will be consuming some time in the future when i have a day off of work. also the mecke may look a little funny but i used the mecke test last and took the picture while there was still some undesolved crystal in the middle of the puddle. i tested at 4am so i was kind of in a hurry to go to sleep. stay safe CT.
White capsule white crystals
Capsule shapped
Suspected Contents
Tested Only
Marquis Reagent
Mecke Reagent
Simons Reagent


yanker (member since March 10, 2011)

If I'm not mistaken an orange marquis and a blue Simons means methamphetamine. Idk I may be wrong maybe more experienced testers can chime in. Where in ct u live?

December 1, 2012, 10:08 pm GMT

folley (member since April 26, 2011)

There would be no reaction on the Mecke if this was meth.

Whatever it is, it's extremely adulterated.

December 1, 2012, 10:34 pm GMT

gfyspillm (member since August 9, 2012)

@ folley that's the same way I thought Meth doesn't show up on mecke that's why I thought methylone/methamphetamine but it also could be methedrone bkpmma which I don't want. I'm not so sure so I don't think ill be taking it unless it was lab tested as methylone only. @yanker I live in Norwalk but I travel everywhere to find things I just wish Colorado wasn't so far away I went out there for a summer and everything is good.

December 1, 2012, 10:47 pm GMT

we r1 (member since December 27, 2008)

Based on all three results... My best guess would be methylone with methamphetamine. Thanks for testing, more bunk molly :-(

December 3, 2012, 3:47 am GMT

iheart mints (member since November 16, 2012)

Theres nothing wrong with the m1 <ut it shouldnt be sold as molly :-(

December 7, 2012, 1:11 am GMT

rollinbiscuit (member since June 29, 2009)

^^^^ this

December 7, 2012, 3:36 am GMT

dogfaced (member since January 10, 2011)

Look here it is I've not been on in a year and same shit. Do not buy pressed unless PBS or mints. I finally have. A hook on what tested MDA. Sorry bout your luck but just to let you know MDPV is back and a match head is insane. Just worried might end up in pills and Molly as cut. For me .2 MDA IS AS GOOD AS IT GETS!!!!!!! Be safe RCs are everywhere

January 11, 2013, 8:57 am GMT

liquid arcadia (member since September 29, 2005)

i could go for some MDA - there was a time where its all i could find and I wished for MDMA, If I could only go back there now!!

March 11, 2013, 6:30 pm GMT