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Wiltshire, South West

Posted by
March 26, 2006
Date Submitted
Never seen a pill like this in 10 years. Shape is like a flying saucer, very unusual. Domed Top and bottom with a side rim. Bought off two different people - One lot white, other lot beigey/dirty white colour. Pills were fairly firm but not the best looking pills ive seen. Logo was visible on all. Logo is a pentegram symbol.
Pentegram Symbol (5 Pointed Star)
White/Off White/Beige
Round (Flying Saucer)
Top and Bottom Domed
Suspected Contents
MDxx and Amphetamine
MDxx High
User Report

First time i took these i had the beigey colour ones which i was very impressed with. Everyone said they were great. One gave a good buzz even though id had a few cherries and 3 of them had my girlfriend talking to people who werent even there. We both have a fairly high tolernace. Overall i was very impressed. Had no trouble sleeping and felt ok next day.
Second time i took these i had the white ones. The mdma buzz didnt seem as great but was still better than anything else ive had lately. The thing is with these after 3 of them i couldn't sleep for shit nor could anyone else and only got to sleep for 3 hours after GBL. After sleep i felt really really bad - heart beating fast, vein in head noticably pulsing. I hadnt felt this bad since the last time i had a gram of base so assume these contain speed or maybe some other upper. One of my friends was in a right state in the morning, after 5 of them. Said he felt like he was coming back up again but in a really nasty way - really sketchy, heart pounding etc etc.
I would say both types of pills contain a large amount of mdma and the white ones def some speed. Both r worth getting if u can. These r the strongest ive taken in ages.


dublin (member since February 17, 2006)

I am about to pick some of the white ones up.......Looks like I should not do anymore that 2

March 24, 2006, 9:56 pm GMT

slink (member since November 6, 2005)

Good report my man, will keep an eye out

March 24, 2006, 10:27 pm GMT

ebest (member since October 6, 2005)

Nah there not like the mercedes and heiniekens they r like old school cherry bombs, u know, like them little red sweets.

March 25, 2006, 4:07 pm GMT

ebest (member since October 6, 2005)

Yeah they r good pills but cause they contain some strong upper you'll be feeling like shit the next day. They certainly aint 'clean'.

March 28, 2006, 8:21 pm GMT

conkermon (member since April 9, 2006)

i had pills with the wierd flying saucer shape and a star on top around the same time as this report was written, however mine were blue (i'm also in london area). have to agree with what has been said as these pills sound very similar effects wise, intense rushes of euphoria and insanely fast heart beat, tripping. i think these pills are great for coochin about @ home but i would not take these at a rave.

April 9, 2006, 12:02 pm GMT