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Pink VW


Posted by
July 29, 2011
Date Submitted
Pink vw same stamp as the orange ones around the uk althou not as hard pressed and without bevel on back. Everywhere in Ibiza.

Last Update
August 3, 2011
Slightly crumbley
Suspected Contents
MDxx High
Mandelin Reagent
User Report

Consumed whole pill night after doing 2 gold leafs and probably about 3 hours after eating heavy meal. Took around 40mins before effects felt, clammy hands and fidgety but quite smooth come up. This could be down to night before's antics as my friend seemed to come up hard off these as fresh. Did another about an hour after 1st pill admin and felt great for the next 4 hours. Very clean peak not scatty in any way. No jaw tension of note. Slept fine when the fun began to wear off. Overall clean pills which last a while. I have a mid-high tolerance and weight around 90kg. Would rate these on par with gold leafs, cleaner if anything. Ate fine next day.

Didn't get to much empathy or rushes from these but I can't remember a pill that has for years. Done all the new pills from the last 2 years. The music did sound amazing on these and kept me going for a while, talking shit but not in a loved up way. Got back to apartment and came down gradually slept absolutely fine. Next day no real come down ate breakfast fine. Overall clean with decent dose. My friend did 2 of these on first night in Ibiza and he was mashed and he's a BIG guy. I have to say for the 3 days prior to the two nights on E's went thru a few gs of good expensive coke so not sure if that would effect MDMA tolerance?? Good pills overall.


wkendraver (member since September 21, 2010)

Can a mod please contact got pic but cant upload and only have BB no access to laptop right now.

July 29, 2011, 6:31 pm GMT

the cheshire cat (member since April 11, 2011)

i took so many of these last weekend that by sunday they were hardly doing a thing..... Hope i bump into some different ones in ibiza.

July 31, 2011, 7:53 pm GMT

hettonhammer (member since July 18, 2010)

dude if they are not doing anything a break is what you need not a different pill.. you wont find much better than these.. btw has any1 heard about these london pills? huge things, i am guessing we will see a report soon i have seen them but not tried them

August 1, 2011, 3:01 pm GMT

bearlove (member since August 25, 2008)

Could you maybe add some effects to your report? Empathy, music appreciation, dilated pupils, rushes, how long did they last, how was the comedown, could you sleep, how did you feel the next day.

I know that if your using a few days in a row the effects are diminished and the comedown is rough but if you could update that would be great.

Can you upload to imageshack and leave the url in your report? I can imagine Ibiza having a great selection this year (saves the hunt for the rockstars and the Blue Mitzis like last year :D)

August 3, 2011, 2:25 pm GMT

wkendraver (member since September 21, 2010)

August 4, 2011, 11:48 am GMT

galway65 (member since November 14, 2010)

these are THE best pills anyone can possibly get... 1 of these left me monged for 6 hours. plenty of rushes, slight visuals, loving EVERYTHING, music sounds amazing, everything is just beautiful!
tbh i wish all pills were like this.

August 8, 2011, 4:40 am GMT

wkendraver (member since September 21, 2010)

Very clean. When in Ibiza I'd recommend these as u will sleep well and feel ok the nxt day, no real come down very clean. There not super strong I'd estimate 100-120 but good quality and easier to get hold of then a pint of milk.

August 9, 2011, 8:35 pm GMT

funkbugal (member since July 17, 2009)

Just got back from Ibiza, really didn't rate any of the VW's out there much at all I had the orange and the pink ones. They were quite sketchy, not much empathy/loved up feeling and felt quite "dirty" the next day afterwards. I am quite sceptcial having experienced the quality of the late 90's pills but these just aren't what I consider to be a good or clean pill.

August 17, 2011, 2:02 pm GMT

tashrar (member since October 12, 2011)

These are the best i've had in ages expensive but well worth it. Really nice some of the best vw iv'e had. Cant wait till next week to do these little beauties again

December 5, 2011, 6:22 pm GMT

djmattrich (member since July 26, 2011)

had a wicked night on these! good sweets

January 24, 2012, 1:38 am GMT