Pill Report: White Lacostes
White Lacostes


Posted by
March 5, 2006
Date Submitted
I've taken the picture from another report. However, unlike that report i did not have trouble swallowing them or think they were any larger then what i am used to.
Lacoste Crocodile
Suspected Contents
MDxx and Amphetamine
MDxx Low
User Report

This was my third time taking pills. First time was october 04, then may 05, then this past friday the 3rd march 06. So i assumed my tolerence should be quite low [first time i had 1 pill and i was pretty gone].

Had a few drinks around 10pm. Got to the club at 12ish. Dropped my first at 12:20. About 30 mins later i felt abit different, but there was no rushy come up. I felt energetic but not as loved up as i expected. Dropped another at 1:20. I think at around 2:30 i was dancing, and dropped another.

I was really into the music and atmosphere, however was still abit inhibited towards strangers, didn't start many random convos or look at too many people, which i regret. Generally just danced with mates or sat at the side rambling to myself or mates. I did have a great time though. Dropped my last one at 4 for the hell of it.
Experianced eye wiggles when trying to look at my phone [when sending a few lovey texts haha]. Also was hallucinating abit towards the end of the night. One of the lights on the wall looked like a curtain was being put up. The other looked like a trucks headlights were coming towards me. My mate also says at one point i said i thought i saw a gorilla, as well as mistaking a pile of handbags for a girl doing push ups?

Left the club at 6am to get first train home. on the train me and my mate, who had 6 of these pills , were tryin to converse but kept forgetting what we were talking about. Back at his house we had some joints and bongs to help us sleep. however, he kept talking, then i'd phase out but seemed to imagine he was still talking, so i'd make a reply to what i imagined, thus him having no idea what i was on about. He experianced the same, so it took ages to get to bed, as we kept forgetting that is what we wanted to do. Eventually probably got to sleep at 7:30 until about 2. Didn't feel a bad comedown, just very tired and lack of appetite. Day after, today, i've had a light headache.

So the reason i think there was something else, like speed, in the pills, is due to the hallucinations and the lack of feeling as loved up as usual, as well as having to take 4, when i usually have 1.

But i'd love to hear some other opinions. Am definetly going to get the testing kit.


tribal girl (member since January 11, 2006)

It might have been MDA. Personally I've never taken it myself (atleast not to my knowledge) so I can't be certain. But, according to erowid's information it's very similar to MDMA, except it has more hallucinogenic qualities. Ecstacy can also produce hallucinations, but I find it usually occurs in higher doses.

Sounds like you had some fun visuals to me. Sometimes when I'm in a club it looks like everyone's wearing sunglasses. And one time my friend thought this guy was wearing a gas mask...turns out it was a beard :)

March 5, 2006, 9:48 pm GMT

jam1e (member since September 29, 2005)

yep i agree sounds like MDA- more speedy and hallucinogenic than MDMA- but less "loved-up" feelings.

March 6, 2006, 12:36 am GMT

acidvoodoo (member since October 31, 2005)

ummmm? ^

and yes i have checked out erowid and it does look like it could be MDA, but still quite weak, what with having to take 4

March 7, 2006, 5:56 pm GMT