Pill Report: Cherries


Posted by
February 28, 2006
Date Submitted
These pills r the same as the ones that were going around in their 1000's last summer, all over the country. They r NOT the ones that were around over xmas, they were much better and smaller and had no score. I didnt find these painful to snort unlike the mini ones which were nasty.These r pure white and r quite large and r all scored. I wouldnt be suprised if these r the ones from last summer because the effects, from what i remember, r the same.
Pacha Cherries
Round and scored
3.0 mm
9.0 mm
Bevelled bottom, very slightly logo side
Suspected Contents
MDxx Medium
User Report

Took one and felt a nice buzz but definently needed a few more before i was mashed, although was always in control. Everyone who had these needed quite a few and double dropping is definently recomended if u have a highish tolerance. I remember these making me feel very sick after a heavy weekend last summer and again after this weekend i didnt feel very good at all. Normally im pretty good. Maybe these arent as clean as all the other pills ive been having lately. The only reason i bought these was because i thought they were the mini cherries so i dont expect ill bother with these again. Please note the mini ones r still around this area, as i had some last week off someone different, so try and get them ones if possible.


charly be (member since March 22, 2006)

Took these a few weeks back, absolutley great definatley would recomend. Took a little longer than usual to work so made the mistake of taking another, had a real "rushy" come up then a very long floaty, chilled out feel. Mixed with good musice , these pills are ace

March 22, 2006, 3:20 pm GMT

cravingraving (member since March 24, 2006)

Last time i had these was about a month ago. Alright beans in themselfs. Brown/grey speckles here and there, but havent a clue what they are.

Really good bean. Double dropped these and after an hour i thought i'd been burned. Took a sip of water and bam!

Eye wiggles, heavier breathing, euthoric, though i felt more routed to reality then on other pills.

Was up for about 6 hours in all, double dropped again a couple of hours in.

Definatly a recomendation.

March 24, 2006, 9:59 am GMT

cravingraving (member since March 24, 2006)

Last time i had these was about a month ago. Alright beans in themselfs. Brown/grey speckles here and there, but havent a clue what they are.

Really good bean. Double dropped these and after an hour i thought i'd been burned. Took a sip of water and bam!

Eye wiggles, heavier breathing, euthoric, though i felt more routed to reality then on other pills.

Was up for about 6 hours in all, double dropped again a couple of hours in.

Definatly a recomendation.

March 24, 2006, 10:26 am GMT

brownz (member since January 18, 2006)

These Pills Contain MDA Make Sure Every1 Knows that, i prefer it a lot more than MDMA but we all have our own prefernces

March 27, 2006, 5:58 pm GMT