Pill Report: armarni/bird

south east uk

Posted by
March 27, 2006
Date Submitted
small hard-pressed pill. bevel egdes, front and back with score on back. had the armarni symbol, but some people may interprit(sp?) this as a bird.
Armarni symbol
Pure white, mdxx color specs
Hard, well pressed
Bevel edges front + back(back socred)
Suspected Contents
MDxx High
User Report

bought a couple in a club last weekend, and having these before decided to double drop. came up in 30mins (i was quite pissed at time though).
nice clean loved-up buzz, danced for hours. unlikely to have adulterants, but maybe some speed? not sure, should try these when im not so pissed.
this is one not to ignore.


tribal girl (member since January 11, 2006)

Sounds like the same ones i had. Did the eagle have vertical lines going through it? (very detailed i thought). If so then i agree they're the best i've had in a long time (getting some more today!). Reminded me of what i'd been missing out on for the last God knows how many months!. Glad you got some decent ones :)

February 25, 2006, 1:55 pm GMT

dmtdoodeelsd (member since February 24, 2006)

i had another 5 of these when i wasnt pissed this weekend. loved them!
def. no speed i reckon, compared to other batches.
the design was exactly the same as you said ^, with lines running through, and everyone i know whos had these have noted the detail in the stamp.
worth buying some more.

February 26, 2006, 5:51 pm GMT

tribal girl (member since January 11, 2006)

My report now has a picture (stolen from another report) but they look exactly the same. You should grab a pic for yours too. That way all this confusion between these and the old speedy ones will be cleared up.

February 26, 2006, 6:55 pm GMT

asdninja (member since February 5, 2006)

Do these ones have a breaking line at the back??

April 4, 2006, 1:56 am GMT

dmtdoodeelsd (member since February 24, 2006)

yeah it has a score on the back.

April 24, 2006, 6:27 pm GMT

xeptic (member since January 19, 2008)

I took 3 of these last night an hour apart. I was mashed quite obviously. Definatly Recommended :)

January 19, 2008, 1:45 pm GMT