No Image
White Smilies


Posted by
February 13, 2006
Date Submitted
i got these for a james lavelle gig and i had an awsome time. i like to munch on half a pill when starting up the night to see what they're like. i still wasn't up half an hour later. Understandably, i got imapatient and took another one and a half. Truely gradual and smooth come up as while i was washing my second dose down i realised i was up. Pretty nice buzz for a half; warm,fuzzy and dancey. i was in full flouished techno pointage when the next lot kicked in. i had to sit down for bit. when i was 'up' and standing i had a big grin plastered on my face. not as lovey dovey as i would have wanted but they did make for a very pleasurable evening. i didnt notice much jaw grinding, but my mate was chewing his face off so can't form any real opinion on that point. i've not had pills in about three months so my tolerence is in the minus numbers, so regulars probably need a couple extra. have fun!
Smiley face
White with specles
2.0 mm
8.0 mm
Fairly hard but broke easily in two
Suspected Contents
MDxx and Amphetamine
MDxx Medium
User Report

Very dancey. A good choice for gigs ;)


chupachups (member since December 19, 2005)

If these are the same smileys I had then I reckon they contain speed or meth.

Your description of a "gradual and smooth come up" and not being very "lovey dovey" certainly suggests that these are the same speed or meth pills.

I hated them as I couldn't sleep at all that night (off only 1.5 pills) and missed all the good effects of MDMA. If you want MDMA (or MDxx) I would suggest you avoide these nasty pills.

February 14, 2006, 2:29 pm GMT

genedefekt (member since February 14, 2006)

NE1 from fife or near? if so can u tell me what the hell is goin on pill wise. would appreciate info.

February 14, 2006, 7:11 pm GMT

thespade (member since October 8, 2005)

I've had these last weekend, I would like to do a report on them but the weekend is a big blur and I couldn't give any specific details on their appearance apart from the fact they had red/pink speckles.

They seemed to alright, not likely to blow most people's minds. I can be a bit of a lightweight on them and they did get me buzzin in the end. There was definitely MDxx in them, the classic signs were there, did stay up for quite a while on 3/4 so prob a bit of Speed in them.

March 19, 2006, 11:35 pm GMT