Pill Report: Superman

Honolulu, Hawaii

Posted by
May 27, 2010
Date Submitted
VERY NICE looking pills, well pressed, thick and hard, light green…highly recommend these to anybody that is looking for a clean, safe and for a fucking AHHHMAZING time!!!
Superman "S" in triangle
Round on booth ends, thick
Suspected Contents
MDxx High
User Report

*last meal consumed at 7 pm (surf pac bento!!)
*pill consumed at home
*8 year veteran thizzing
*6'1" 180 lbs

Get ready boys and girls, look up in the sky…ITS GREEN SUPERMAN!!!
….yes we all know pokeballs are great rolls, and of course, still one of my all time favorite from the pokeball family are the purple bombs. Lately within the past couple of months in the 808 state, we have been pretty lucky to see a lot of pokeballs available (purple macs, white bombs, yellow stars, green transformers, green butterflies, many more, ETC, ETC) and I had been lucky to say that I have tried all of them. But I really have to give some love to these fucking bad-ass non-pokeball beans….Green Superman!!!
If you can get a hold of them…GET UM!! Very clean and yes like its name, I felt like a Superman and I was FLYING HIGH!!!!
2:00 am: consumed half a pill (wasn’t planning on rolling, but girlfriend wanted to chill on only half a roll, so guess who had to bite them in half? Me and that shit was BITTER!!!!

2:20 am: WOW! On half a roll im starting to gag really hard…my girlfriend is throwing up in the bathroom, she tells me that these were really strong

2:45 am: starting to feel really good, earlier I was tired, now I just feel like chatting with my girlfriend

2:50 am: I already can feel some of the tingly feeling throughout my body, my girlfriend is already floored…told myself, fuck it take a whole roll, so I popped another one around this time

3:00 am: ten to fifteen minutes later I am floored!!!! GREAT EUPHORIAC FEELING, like walking on air!!!! We have the stereo blasting trance and we both just sat down next to each other….barely even talking because we were GONZOS!!

5:00 am: still feeling really good, I was so amazed on these rolls, we popped one more, sat outside our patio to watch the sunrise

5:15 am: we both were gone….don’t really remember much from this time till the sun came up around 6ish

6:30/8:00 am: we were still feeling it, but at this time we actually could talk and walk around the house normal (haha)

9:00/10:00 am: we both just laid in the bed, feeling started to go away, no hard downing, actually feels better than majority of the pokeballs….very easy to sleep on

5:15 pm: woke up feeling really good! No irritation feeling, didn’t feel ass dragging, we both decide to go to eat at burger king, ate with no problems


bamnovak (member since May 14, 2010)

those look nice!

May 27, 2010, 2:24 pm GMT

happyland (member since February 1, 2010)

yummmy! i come home a few days i hope i get some of these bad boys

May 27, 2010, 7:22 pm GMT

baybeeblue (member since May 28, 2010)

took these after i started to come down off another pill, it did its job!

May 28, 2010, 12:35 am GMT

hirollin808 (member since March 8, 2010)

yups! had these back in october of 2008? one of my first rolls :) and yes, this shit fucked me up hahahha

May 28, 2010, 1:11 pm GMT

casinorolls18 (member since April 19, 2010)

these do look good kinda of reminds me of yeards back as well BIG ass pill too

May 29, 2010, 12:16 am GMT

sizzle223 (member since March 18, 2010)

clean yummy pills :)

May 29, 2010, 5:05 pm GMT

hirollin808 (member since March 8, 2010)

whoa i just realized...the supermans i had back in 08 were flat on both sides o.O

i guess this is a different superman from what i had

May 30, 2010, 12:11 am GMT

exxdoutthegame (member since April 24, 2010)

Yo this is what ecstasy feels like, we don't have time for generics bro :).

June 3, 2010, 7:16 pm GMT

freakazoid909 (member since April 22, 2010)

Goodness gracious these look delicious :)

June 4, 2010, 10:01 am GMT

candi man (member since October 14, 2009)

Honestly i would give my side of the story of how badass these were..
But i was so out there, i can't even remember!!
~Tru Candi Man

June 12, 2010, 5:06 am GMT

thekandimankan (member since July 13, 2010)

WOW!!! I gotta admit I was a little sketched out by the stamp, allot of shitty supermans over the years. Had some other green ones recently, but were much darker in color, and SUCKED. These however were fuckin flippin fantastic. Totally made getting busted w 2 of them this weekend allot better. They made the 5 hours in jail somewhat enjoyable. The good ones as you can tell by the photo are a very vibrant bright green. Like the same colour as the Riddler in Batman. The shitty ones are very dark almost kelly green. Remember Kandi Kids Riddler Mutant Green GOOOOD! Dark green is caca!

July 12, 2010, 11:30 pm GMT

iroll23 (member since January 11, 2012)

These look amazing wanna get a hold of these! In honolulu Would love to try these!(:

January 11, 2012, 1:41 am GMT