Pill Report: Orange Rolex
Orange Rolex


Posted by
November 6, 2009
Date Submitted
VERY NICE looking pills, well pressed, thick and hard, not like the white rolex that had been going around where it was a bit softer and “crumblier”. Orange to an almost “salmon/pink” color with little white specs.
Last Update
November 20, 2009
Suspected Contents
MDxx High
User Report

*last meal consumed at 4 pm (1/2 pound burrito, large pepsi)
*pill consumed at a Halloween event
*8 year veteran, roll once to twice a week, 4 to 6 pills per week
*6'1" 180 lbs

11:00 pm: took one orange Rolex with water (licked the pill at first and it was very bitter)

12:00 am: felt a slight come up, but still didn’t feel anything (I have a very high tolerance level) popped a second pill, chewed on it drank some water


12:30 am: needed to sit down, VERY GOOD feeling, nice euphoric “tingly” feeling, almost like floating

1:00 am: I am floored. Last I remembered was getting a light show, talking with some of my friends, then…..don’t remember much from this time to around 2/230 am, last time this ever happened to me was when i took them purple bomb pokeballs

2:45 am: still feeling really good, finally felt my legs to get up again and dance….music was just making the feeling even better, lights were insane!

3:30 am: still feeling good at this point, had an extra pill knew that this event was going till 6 am so I chewed my last/ third pill…

3:50/4:00 am: WHAAAAM! Floored again….had to sit down and just chill, but feeling like a champ at this time, talking with some close friends…they said that I started to say “random” things and would catch myself saying it and started to trip out and we all laughed about it.

5:30 am: able to walk again, party started to emptied out so we all just got up and made our way to our cars

6:15 am: sat in my car…still rolling balls and knew I was still unable to drive so me and my fiends just chilled for about 30 minutes

6:45 am: still feeling good, coming down was very nice, not as harsh as the white rolex, I felt ok to drive

7:30 am: got home safe, drive was really nice feeling with the wind and music playing. Nice to have my friends crash over for the day, felt happy and not alone and sad.

8:00 am: slept really easy

2:00 pm: woke up, still tired, but felt hungry. Went down the road to grab something to eat!!! NO CRACK OUT!!!

Love these pills!!!easily a TOP 5 in my books (in no particular order): Purple Bomb Pokeball, White Dolphins, Mollys, Green Transformer Pokeballs.


xxdemosxx (member since June 3, 2009)

*8 year veteran, roll once to twice a week, 4 to 6 pills per night---brain damage

November 6, 2009, 4:57 am GMT

pokeblover (member since September 26, 2009)

you should slow down.

November 6, 2009, 5:54 am GMT

seeingrainbows (member since June 21, 2009)

yea thats a lot of rollin. When I first started getting into the rollin scen I started doin it a lot like that. But that ended after a short time period. Im sure that did more than enough damage. 8 years of it is a lot. I am not one to preach but slow down man for your own good.

Otherwise it sounded like you had a GREAT time. Thanks for sharing. Ik u mentioned the white rolexes.Have u tried the white ones yet? and if so what did u think of the white ones compared to the orange ones? These look absolutely delicious. Bon Apetite! lol

I just found some white supermans from the WI area. It was reported on this site earlier that they were part of a set along with the white rolexes only I hear the supermans are a little more potent. It will be interesting to see. i've had the white rolexes before and those were amazing. Im curious to know how much these orange ones differ from the white rolexes from the supermans which are supposedly all a set together. Wonder if the change in color had any effect on potency/quality/conents.

Nice report. Gave it a thumbs up

November 6, 2009, 7:44 am GMT

sbnodoubt (member since November 8, 2007)

i think that the whole set is very potent! very clean. dont believe that there is any one press that is stronger than the others... (everybody out there who begs to differ really can't argue b/c ALLLLL ur tolerances r WAY fucked up) they all test bomb, so i just say HIGH MDxx

the set includes: Supermans, Mercedes, Diamonds, Rolex, Dolphins ... in varying colors...

November 6, 2009, 8:16 am GMT

bearlove (member since August 25, 2008)

Thanks for the report but your heavy use is crazy and your risking permanent damage to your brain. You waited a full hour after you were able to walk before you hopped in your car and then drove :0.

Crazy stuff !

November 6, 2009, 10:14 am GMT

lifeisbalance (member since June 9, 2009)

first off, great report. And your right, the new batches are much firmer pressed than the first batches that came around.

I've gotta say tho man, i've had fun like that, once maybe twice a week dropping 5+ per night. But I learned from that shit, not kept doing it for 8 YEARS!? wheres the fun, the experience, in that shit? sounds like youre just throwing the magic out the window even if you are still rolling. cherish it, learn from it, use it in your everyday life, we can always be that happy if we choose. but what your doing, is typical american over-indulging.

but hey man, thats just my two cents do whatever the hell ya want...

November 6, 2009, 4:27 pm GMT

ou8xtc2 (member since August 3, 2009)

I hear ya man. I'm a veteran of the club scene myself and roll alot. i wish there was more research into the long-term use effects both good and bad. I personally feel that ecstasy has had a more beneficial effect on my mind and body versus a negative. It's helped me with post-tramatic stress in a major way. Has helped me to improve my relationships( and get into some new ones at the club lol). I don't have any moderate memory problems, just moments where I forget something ocasionally. IDK, I don't believe all the hype on how harmfull mdma is to a persons body, maybe to some more than others or maybe I'm an exception. I think more research is needed.

November 6, 2009, 4:57 pm GMT

seeingrainbows (member since June 21, 2009)

^^^^but also if your popping pills and not just str8 molly you dont really know what exactly was in your pill. We've all been meth bombed once or twice. Or now the pipes have been around. But hhrough many years, I would imagine one would have had those experiences. So its not just MDMA but its all the other chemicals one could have potentially taken. Not to mention all the other binders and chemicals used in the process. Im sure somewhere its gotta wear a toll on a persons body. Especially if one does not own a test kit!

November 6, 2009, 6:25 pm GMT

joshisstoned (member since September 16, 2009)

I havent had a bad experience yet with my test kit. Its not molly but hey its guaranteeing a higher rate of good experiences. I just want to roll! Rolling is good for the soul. Just dont abuse it weekly!

November 6, 2009, 11:13 pm GMT

joshisstoned (member since September 16, 2009)

also, please get a test kit if you intend on posting! thanks.

November 6, 2009, 11:14 pm GMT

xxdemosxx (member since June 3, 2009)

molly is where its at ive been hittin it 4 a while, tis seems like you get a much worst hangover on it

November 6, 2009, 11:48 pm GMT

ravenousblonde (member since October 1, 2005)

^^^ Molly is 110 times easier to adulterate than pills - it gets stepped on just as bad as cocaine does. If you're exclusively using molly, you definitely need a testing kit. ~R*Mod

November 7, 2009, 9:31 am GMT

safebellinghambomber (member since November 18, 2008)

Mercedes and diamonds, huh I havent seen those yet SBnodoubt, U been hiding those from me man, hehe

November 8, 2009, 12:37 am GMT

weredidallthelovego (member since November 5, 2009)

@ou8xtc2....spot on my friend.......i`ve been using xtc for the last 22 years and i`m still as fresh as i was when i first started taking it.....i`ve looked after myself.....i`ve got 2 gown up kids who are 22 and 17 and i`m also a grandad.....i love mdma....always have and i always will.....i`m a vegetarian who drinks 2-3 litres of evian water every day and lives life to the full.....i`ve done a helleva lot of mdma over the years in the uk at major festivals and in the comfort of my own home......look after yourself when taking mdma........thats the secret.....always flush out the free radicals......and be positive in the mind......thats all i can say really to those who choose to participate......it`ll change your life forever......thats for sure.......peace and love xxxxx

November 8, 2009, 1:18 am GMT

safebellinghambomber (member since November 18, 2008)

I feel ya weredidallthelovego, I can definetly say when Im ur age, I want to aquire the experiences and feelings that you have probloly acquired thruout ur life with the presence of MDMA. PLUR Respect

November 10, 2009, 8:08 am GMT

losthippy (member since October 29, 2009)

Well at least I'm not the only old fart still misbehaving, even if the time between events is getting stretched by what my tester tells me. Acids getting rarer, the fun-police are spraying our shrooms and saliva testers even make riding a bike perilous after a choof - not much love to be had here in Oz. Keep rolling and reporting so we don't just give up and fade away, I say.

November 11, 2009, 6:53 pm GMT

judge (member since November 16, 2009)

Great report.
Just popped 2 of these at Energy's last night.
I can tell you, it was probably one of the best nights of my life. An amazing pill if you like to party.

November 16, 2009, 3:11 am GMT

whitesmurf (member since October 7, 2009)

damn they look like strong fun pills wish pills like dat were still in Australia u yanks have it good 4 gettin good pills

November 19, 2009, 1:16 am GMT

xawesomesaucex (member since October 1, 2009)

weredidallthelovego- thats amazing, i always wondered if it was possible to live the plurr life at your age and still use x positively. how often do you use it? is your tolerance really high by this point? how do you do it?
im very interested.

November 22, 2009, 9:02 pm GMT

ocbudsmkr420 (member since August 13, 2009)

weredidallthelovego is a mmafukkn genius. man i hope one day i can be saying that same shit. except i will be saying i eat meat too. veggies r cool tho i like them too.

November 25, 2009, 12:11 am GMT

monkeydance (member since December 7, 2009)

Are those double stacked?

December 8, 2009, 12:51 am GMT

exxdoutthegame (member since April 24, 2010)

Had one of these stashed from a little while back, these are top of the line.

June 27, 2010, 1:16 am GMT