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Niagara Falls

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September 27, 2005
Date Submitted
pillreports v1
Shape: round, domed on one side (I think), no score

Color: orange, red specks

Size: double stacked

Logo: butterfly sharply pressed, very nice looking pill

Texture: did not crumble easily, very hard pressed

Taste: extremely bitter

Rating: 8

Effects: Saturday 9:00pm to Monday 5:30am. Firstly, I would like to note that this report contains a few different kinds of pills being consumed. This was done because the effects of each pill and day played off eachother but the primarily importance of this report is the Orange Butterfly.

One full pill was consumed orally sometime between 9-10pm. It only took about 20 mins to come up (something I'm not used to, usually takes 1.5 hours). The come up lead to very euphoric feelings and extreme chattiness. Keeping still was difficult because your hands and body just wanted to keep moving. I was getting mild jaw clenching (something that I don't get often) and major eye jiggling/wiggling to the point where it almost gave me a headache because they were wiggling so much. Seeing anything upclose was extremely blurry. I remember having to hold my ipod an arms length away to read the song titles.

These pills were energetic and made your eyes really roll-y/roll back sometimes. I remember just wanting to dance the night away with my eyes shut. The peak was probably close to 3 hours and then started to calm down a bit.

So at around 1am or so, I dropped another full pill and was rolling balls again until about 3am then started to come down. Usually when I start to come down, I fiend/have much desire to do more to keep it going, however, the come down on these pills were so mellow and smooth I didn't feel the need to do anymore. I was satified.

The nice thing about these pills was the come down is so smooth, you hardly notice it because you are still all happy-happy and want to move a bit. Still very chatty at this point. There was appetite loss and sleeping was a little bit difficult. I wasn't tired until about 11am-noon, but even at this point, sleeping was not going to happen but finally feelings of tiredness started to kick in a bit around this time. My stomach was feeling very hungry at this point, but eating was impossible. The thought/smell/sight of food made me want to gag and throw up. 6:00pm rolls around, still haven't sleep and had no desire too. The mind and eyes were very awake and only the body was tired. Between noon-6:00pm, I recall telling my friends that half of me felt really good and the other half feeling really bad. My stomach at this point felt like it was eating itself but I still couldn't eat anything yet and it was really starting to bug me a lot.

----End Report on Orange Butterflies---- Read on if you are curious about the other pills consumed.

By 6:15pm, I was tired of feeling half good/half bad I decided to roll more, still not having slept or eaten anything (well, a bit or two of bread that took 20 mins to eat doesn't really count) and drank a few beers. I dropped at the same time 1 1/2 yellow pears (double stacked) and half yellow butterfly (double stacked). After about 20-30 minutes, my head was feeling extreme high, my eyes were wiggling out of control and my stomach felt so horrible. The 'stomach eating itself' feeling was what I couldn't handle at all, it was throwing the rest of my high off its track. At this point, all I could do to not feel sick was sit and lean my head against something and shut my eyes. My eyes were rolling back off and on. I was in this state from 6:45pm until approx. 9:00pm, and then I was feeling extremely happy and chatty for about the next 30 mins and then it started coming down. The coming down was not rough at all, very smooth transition. Nothing sketchy.

Note: Eating both of the pears and butterfly (total 2 pills consumed at one time) was probably a stupid decision on my part + the iffy stomach feelings I had before eating these is probably what led to me feeling more sick than happy/energetic.

Roughly around 10:40-11:00pm, decided to eat more pills. One single-stacked white maple leaf pill was consumed orally. About 20 mins later, the eye wiggles started to come back and my head started to feel very high. And again, the empty stomach causing a major problem, however, not extreme as earlier in the day with the yellow pears and butterflies. Things that were upclose were very hard to focus on due to eye wiggling/jiggling and were very blurry upclose. There was a little jaw clenching but chewing gum helped that. The peak was probably an hour, give or take a little at the most. By 1:00am (Monday) or so, the roll was done. Very easy come down, the transition wasn't obvious.

About 1:15am, one full green apple was consumed orally. It took about 20-30 minutes to kick in with the same effects as described with the orange butterflies above. It is now Monday at 5:04am, roll is pretty much done with no feelings of sketchiness or desire to roll anymore. The coming down on these apples were smooth much like the orange butterflies. Appetite loss is still present. Stomach is feeling extremely hungry, but have no desire to eat anything. The body is starting to feel a little bit tired again, but the eyes and mind are not, which is making sleeping a little difficult. I don't think I'll be able to sleep until about noon-ish.

End Comments:
I have never ever felt so roll-y/eyes rolling back, jaw clenching and eye-wiggles so much before in all my experiences with rolling/different pills. In fact, I can say I've never gotten these effects before (I've rolled blue dolphins for approx. 4-5 weeks.. you can check the report here, yellow pears also listed here, white ferrari's, white j's, green apples (not Mac apples), red mercedes, green versaces, and a lot more I can't remember at the moment but you get my point). The various pills consumed this weekend were much fun and different from what I am used to feeling. The only thing I don't really like is the extreme eye-wiggling and blurriness.

Normally, I will report according to times and effects but with these pills this weekend, time was going by so fast the effects just melted together and flowed as time went on. Thus, it would be inaccurate of me to report effects according to time.

The double-stacked orange butterflies and double-stacked green apples were my favorites from this weekend. I recommend them to anyone who just loves to roll and dance the night away.

Summary of Ratings since various pills were consumed (also check other listed reports for individual reports/effects on these pills)
Orange Butterfly: 8
Green Apples (not Mac): 7
Yellow Pears + Yellow Butterflies: N/A since mixed together. I would rate the feelings of the roll a 7 though.
White Maple Leaf: 3-4
Suspected Contents

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