Pill Report: ice


Posted by
March 31, 2009
Date Submitted
Unfortunately for rollers its a speed pill which probably contain meth and amphet but anyways I snorted 1/4 of it after some other snort of other pills.. im only warning u guys that this is a new speed pill which is good, one of the best like the first batch of jean coutu... the pill is in square, really white, somewhat big.
Last Update
March 31, 2009
Suspected Contents
User Report

I snorted some other speed pills lets say I took 3/4 of 9.6.9 (which is weak) like at 7-8 then I took 1/4 of .g lady (which is better then 9.6.9 but still weak) at 8h30 and then at 9h15 1/4 of this new speed pill named ice. it has no logo but only writed 'ice' on it and its in square the pill isnt round, first time I see something like this seriously so yeah I wasnt really tweaked out (before) with the other pills but when I snorted 1/4 of ice at 9h15 I felt really amazing.. a lot of fun and felling soo great the whole evening outside with snow, its now 11h30 im downing right now but im still felling really great anyway a really good speed pill for u tweakers but nothing else. I never comsumed any square pills before, it was the first one. got em for a week now and it looks like ppl are getting nice batch of them in qc city. I repeat rollers stay away this is really near of what is called a meth bomb :) Have fun, btw I will probably add a picture soon so u can see it shape its really amazing the square loll w/e


ravenousblonde (member since October 1, 2005)

Thanks for the heads up on this. :) ~R*Mod

March 31, 2009, 5:21 am GMT

triplikeido (member since January 25, 2009)

lol who would buy a square white pill with ICE on them thinking there ecstasy, ice is a streetname for speed isnt it?

March 31, 2009, 7:50 am GMT

ramb0 (member since February 21, 2008)

triplikeido yeah it is but its not ICE methamphetamine its only writed ice on it lolll :P anyway my dealer told me these were speed and I knew :)

March 31, 2009, 2:00 pm GMT

higherlogic (member since July 12, 2007)

Doesn't sound like Meth.

Sounds like a high dose of Amphetamine. I'll see if I can get these so I can put up a pic.

April 1, 2009, 3:32 am GMT

ramb0 (member since February 21, 2008)

Ok otherwise I will put up a pic really soon, I can still have these ice pills so I will try and make a pic so everyone can see it shape :P ice ice tommorow omgz :D

April 1, 2009, 1:24 pm GMT

ramb0 (member since February 21, 2008)

if u kno subaru irl u will get them :P I kno him also and will get him some if he cant find em in charlesbourg :) I forgot to tell that when I came back home 2 days ago I sit on my computers chair and well I had some strong chest pain/stomach pain but it was like everywhere ... seriously painfull I couldnt sleep until 1h am for that reason... I dont know what it could be but it never happened before. At 1h I was sleepy but still had chest pain .. as soon as I was in my bed the pain disapeared.

April 2, 2009, 8:13 pm GMT

bearlove (member since August 25, 2008)

hey if you just want to leave an image just leave the url to your image and I'll add to the report.

April 3, 2009, 10:14 pm GMT

higherlogic3 (member since April 18, 2009)

Bearlove I got a pic that I took that he can use :


April 23, 2009, 9:52 pm GMT

ramb0 (member since February 21, 2008)

thx higherlogic for the pic :P

April 25, 2009, 3:27 pm GMT

mixer71 (member since June 12, 2010)

A note for all candy kids and speeders. The ICE press is alive and kickin .

I had one 2.5 months ago to test and was on par to last seasons. A friend has showed me his new stash and he said the ICE are back again just in time for st.jean.

be careful and take care

June 13, 2010, 12:53 am GMT

goodidea (member since November 23, 2010)


January 1, 2011, 10:06 pm GMT

ramb0 (member since February 21, 2008)

YESSIR ice is back....... got them in qc today with brown spots on it

May 12, 2011, 7:48 pm GMT