No Image
Orange Butterfly


Posted by
December 11, 2005
Date Submitted
Nice hard press, with different colored speckels in the pill.
3.0 mm
5.0 mm
Suspected Contents
MDxx and Ketamine
MDxx Medium
User Report

Took 2 pills, chewed, one about 20 minuets after the second. Really nice trip. I think there was ketamine in the pill so there were a few visual distortions and kind of hard to keep your balance. Also, it seem like the roll lasted for ever, since the ketamine slowed down the roll. Great roll over all.


kraizee (member since October 1, 2005)

how is ketamine in a pill good, i still don't see why it is considered a good thing to get adultered ecstasy...but maybe thats just me...all i know when i buy a pill it better be MDMA or damn close to it...

December 11, 2005, 10:32 am GMT

therollingstoner (member since September 29, 2005)

Why do you say ketamine? Could just be mda. Also, Id be nervous of any Bfly stamp, as almost all of em contained meth. Please update your report or it will be removed. -mod

December 11, 2005, 3:18 pm GMT

closed (member since October 23, 2005)

kraizee: A lot of people like combo types of pills. I know a few people who try to find MDxx mixed with meth, just personal preference I guess.

therollingstoner: It could have been mda I guess, I was just told it was ketamine, I know that means nothing though. Yes I noticed a lot of meth in those pills, but I made the report right as I was coming down so I didn't notice the fact that I didn't go to sleep the rest of the night.

December 11, 2005, 8:57 pm GMT

closed (member since October 23, 2005)

kraizee: A lot of people like combo types of pills. I know a few people who try to find MDxx mixed with meth, just personal preference I guess.

therollingstoner: It could have been mda I guess, I was just told it was ketamine, I know that means nothing though. Yes I noticed a lot of meth in those pills, but I made the report right as I was coming down so I didn't notice the fact that I didn't go to sleep the rest of the night.

December 11, 2005, 9:08 pm GMT

racoonx (member since October 1, 2005)

How about a little better description. Was it maybe actually 8mm x 4mm domed on the bottom and semi-domed on the stamp side. Did it taste salty?

Or was it flat?

I dunno, maybe I'm weird, but if I was stupid enough to want to mix DXM and MDMA, I'd go get the DXM at $2.89 for more than enough for a "party" at a drug store. And then buy a MDMA pill at MDMA prices...

You all are encouraging people to add $0.50 worth of crap in place of $10 worth of mdma. Does that make any sense?

Maybe I look at this wrong. Maybe I should buy a quarter ounce of crank, and an ounce of DXM off the internet, and fill some gel caps, and call them pures, and sell to ya'll. Who would know?

December 12, 2005, 1:24 am GMT

var13 (member since September 29, 2005)

maybe we should all test to make sure what the fuck REALLY is in pillz.......

December 12, 2005, 4:50 am GMT

howlcat (member since October 25, 2005)

MDMA & K is a bad thing, not a good thing

December 12, 2005, 6:53 am GMT

racoonx (member since October 1, 2005)

As long as I put it off, and made excuses for why I was doing it... I'm probably the last person that should say this:

Buy a tests kit!

I got the complete kit, and it is the best thing I have bought in a long time. I discoverd that folks were right about the smiley's- DXM, and wrong about the Star's and Chanel's -clean (Yippy!).

There is party in knowing!!

(to rip of an AIDS ad)

December 12, 2005, 5:41 pm GMT

howlcat (member since October 25, 2005)

racoonx is right - I just ordered a kit too... stupid to play without one. Everyone testing and saying no to anything but MDMA/MDA is the only way things will ever clean up.

You know if half the time everyone that does anything GOT SOMETHING OTHER THAN WHAT THEY EXPECTED NO ONE WOULD DO ANYTHING AT ALL... Speed is always speed... coke (more or less) is always coke... crack the same thing (yuk). But the least addictive, most beneficial psycho-active sacrament we know of is, 50% of the time crrrap... and people say there is no satan.

December 12, 2005, 8:03 pm GMT

closed (member since October 23, 2005)

Sorry guys, I actually trust my dealer.

It is personal prefrence on what you like with your pills. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean everyone else doesn't.

December 13, 2005, 12:03 am GMT

adrock85 (member since November 10, 2005)

do you trust your dealer's dealer's dealer?

December 13, 2005, 4:31 am GMT

ktownmagic (member since December 15, 2005)

sorry dude, but your description was shady and butterflies are almost always a cause for a red flag...I dont know you or your dealer but already I've lost trust!

December 16, 2005, 5:05 am GMT

SideEffect (member since October 21, 2005)

came across these back in late october, in los angeles. I found them to be mda/mdma. euphoria, nice body high, tactile stimulation, but more of sit and cuddle vs dancing feel to them.

January 2, 2006, 1:45 am GMT

dextertheo (member since October 30, 2006)

Tried out some of these sometime late last year. Euphoric, fun, empathetic and such but no one that ate them was really talkative, stimulated or lovey dovey. In fact, we all had intense visuals from time to time.... My most memorable one was when I was looking into a mirror, my face grew a beard and then it continued growing until I looked like a wolfman.

October 30, 2006, 11:52 pm GMT

djdysturbed (member since December 16, 2009)

was the stamp pressed in or out?

January 1, 2010, 9:52 am GMT