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Red Scorpion

Windsor, Ontario

Posted by
December 11, 2005
Date Submitted
round, not a very clean press, but the pill was solid. No smell to pill, but bitter taste to pill was present. Also easy to crumble but it is a solid press and requires some effort to crumble.
Round, domed
Suspected Contents
MDxx Medium
User Report

Took two around 12:49am last night, in a parachut. Come up was very difficult to be honest, since i've had a panick attack last time i tried these shitty pills(teal doves). But eventually come up smoothed up and become really pleasant. Music started sounding awesome, energy flowing throw me, lovey dovey feelings, talkative, dialated pupils, sweaty palms, all the effects you get from a decent roll of e, including (jaw clench, elevated heart rate, and eye wiggles). peak was well over 2 hours, come down was not so pleasant though, but i don't blame that on the pills since i haven't had a decent come down in a long time. Overall in the old rating system these would probably get a 7/10 since they are probably a good strong pill for first timers, and a double drop for tolerated ones.

Oh yea just to mention too that sleep wasn't too difficult on these if your tired then you'll sleep and barely any sketch the next day except for an empty stomach which food seemed to take care of :)

PLUR hope you guys get to try these


kraizee (member since October 1, 2005)

hey for some reason i can't get the picture up? any advice?

December 11, 2005, 7:08 am GMT

therollingstoner (member since September 29, 2005)

Thanks for the report kraizee. Yea pics seem to be down, hopefully it will be fixed soon. -mod

December 11, 2005, 3:15 pm GMT

racoonx (member since October 1, 2005)

I'm surprised that these wern't methy, they match the description of the meth types that have been around. And meth would account for panic attacks, sweaty palms, and rough come ups too. But you slept...

I always try to eat something when I take pills, like something lite with pills, and around a normal meal time, or 6 hours in, another light meal. Something that has nutritional value, like a small MarieCallenders pot pie if you microwave, or soup, or a salad with cheese (protein), or even a peanut butter sanwhich if you are capable of swallowing it. Not McDonalds Pig Sized meal, or Fried Grease Nugs, or Pork, or anything else that is unhealthy to begin with... Eliminates some of the stomache problems, recharges drained batteries, and also releives stress on body you may not be aware of. Care for the body and the Mind will reward you.

December 12, 2005, 5:54 pm GMT

pillage (member since October 1, 2005)

Hey, this is a bit off the topic but im from Australia and coming to Canada in a couple of weeks skiing at Big White, im just wondering if you can get pills around that area? Thanks

December 13, 2005, 12:25 am GMT

peacelove (member since October 19, 2005)

I had a few of these (kansas). Only had a little bit of trouble falling asleep that night.
Very intense come up though.

December 13, 2005, 12:39 am GMT

oklahoma405 (member since September 29, 2005)

pillage dont ask that shit here.

December 13, 2005, 11:26 pm GMT