beyler öcenlikle selamın aleyküm foruma bugün katıldım ne nasıl olur bilmiyorum becerebildiğim kadar anlatıcam.
Arkadaşlarla alsancağa gitmiştik geziniyorduk kordon da arkadaşlardan biri hadi yutalım dedi. Ben ilk defa kullanıcaktım bu mereti. iyi dedik gittik arabayla murtakeden aldık.
23:20 attık
00:00 gibi hissetirmeye başladı
00:30 zirvedeydi, yürürken sanki bacaklarım önden gidiyordu ben onları takip ediyordum. ilk kez bu kafayı yaşıyordum ve beğenmiştim çenem kaydı ve suratım çok az şişti.
02:00 düşmeye başlamıştı ben şarkı dinleyerek yükselmeye çalışıyordum.
02:30 giderek düşüyordu ama bir anda bırakmıyordu yavaş yavaş tatlı tatlı bırakıyordu.
03:00 tamamen bitti ve uyumaya çalışıyordum yarım saat yatakta debelendikten sonra uyudum saat 07:00 da kalktım.
Sonuç olarak beyler kötü değildi. Ertesi günü hafifte olsa bi düşüşü vardı isteksizlik vs. vs
I do not know how I would have joined the forum today will tell you as I can tell
We went with a friend one of Alsancak cord friends were strolling said let's do we take. I intended user for the first time. We went good we have received from the drive murtake.
We at 23:20
Start 0:00
00:30 was at its peak, was going to the front legs as if I was walking, I followed them. I've been living like this for the first time and I had my head up and my face was swollen very little record.
02:00 I was trying to rise began to fall by listening to the song.
2:30 gradually fell, but did not drop at a time, would leave slowly sweetly.
03:00 completely over and I was trying to sleep, I got up at 07:00 after half an hour in bed I slept struggle.
As a result, it was not bad guys. The next day there was a slight drop though bi reluctance etc. etc
Pillreports is a global database of Ecstasy" pills based on both subjective user reports and scientific analysis. "Ecstasy" is traditionally the name for MDMA based pills, however here we also include closely related substances such as MDA, MDEA, MBDB. Pills sold as "Ecstasy" often include other, potentially more dangerous, substances such as methamphetamine, ketamine and PMA.
1 Comment
bearlove2 (member since August 20, 2015)
Thanks for the report.
October 31, 2016, 6:43 am GMTAll non English comments removed.