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East Midlands

Posted by
September 20, 2016
Date Submitted
Suspected to contain around 250mg MDMA - absolutely banging pill, starting to come up (as experienced roller) within 40 minutes on 1 (whole) pill
Last Update
September 21, 2016
Instagram (old) logo
Grey / White
Very Firm
Rounded, Sharp Edged
Suspected Contents
MDxx High
User Report

Came up within 40 minutes (as an experienced roller) and battered for 6 hours (1 x pill).
I usually drop in halves as my stomach hates me from prior abuse, so they pretty clean as so far no sick.
Intense roll-
Will update soon with more detailed experience(s) of the pill.
Please comment your experience if you have had these as there aren't really many for this area..
Edit: just realised cant upload a photo from iPhone, will update soon


lebutzu (member since September 13, 2016)

This reports sounds suspicious.

September 20, 2016, 10:13 pm GMT

h1ghr0ller (member since September 20, 2016)

In what sense mate, im new to this and still here to answer any questions

September 20, 2016, 10:26 pm GMT

bearlove2 (member since August 20, 2015)

Some of the instagrams have been tested at around 221 mgs so your guess could be pretty accurate and 200+ is a strong dose for most people.

If you could update with a few of the effects of the pill - pupil dilation, jaw tension, sweating, music appreciation, empathy, rushes, talking nonsense, could you sleep after it, how was the come up/down, how did you feel next day etc

As an experienced user what recent pills can you compare them with.

You can upload your picture to a image hosting site and leave the link - I will add to the report for you.

Welcome to the site

September 21, 2016, 6:55 am GMT

parttimeraver (member since March 29, 2016)

Doesnt seem suspicious to me. Will keep an eye out for these. Hopefully its more the derby end of east mids that they at

September 21, 2016, 7:12 am GMT

lebutzu (member since September 13, 2016)

I'll wait for the more detailed report and maybe some tests. I don't say they're not the real deal, we don't get them where i live anyways, but i wanna try keeping the site clean :d.

September 21, 2016, 11:57 am GMT

andybear00 (member since October 7, 2016)

i heard about theese pills last summer, everybody seemed very happy, chatting, dancing, smiling, i saw how content they were and felt their positive energy. hope that i'll try them once :)

October 7, 2016, 7:31 am GMT