Pill Report: Purple Instagram
Purple Instagram


Posted by
February 1, 2016
Date Submitted
Solid press can be thrown against the wall but very quickly dissolved.
Instagram camera and name on back
9.0 mm
9.0 mm
Suspected Contents
MDxx High
Mandelin Reagent
Marquis Reagent
User Report

745 came home from work and took a full purple instagram
800 feeling it
830 eye shakes/ tremors began
850 mild jaw clenching
930 nice mellow jaw clench, eyes bouncing still, rolling titties, watching movie, laughing, feeling talkative
1013 new movie eyes still trembling, smoking weed, cold sweats, little jaw clenching, able to watch movie, laughing
1022 still rolling, packing hookah, not overwhelmed , good level, cold sweats gone
1129 went to grocery store to get beers. Drinking beer and watching a movie. Awake and alert
1 am smoking and still having fuzzy eyes
Hard to focus my eyes, relaxed. No crash
740 awake, not tired, fully alert, gym ready

Took the pill about 2 hours into my trip, at like 11:50 during Ott, already feeling near the peak of my trip. About 30 minutes after taking the pill I felt a surge in energy and was dancing more with the music. Ott ended at about 1 and it felt like time was going pretty fast. I went outside for a cig and that helped intensify the trip and slow things down for a bit. I was talking to random ppl out on the balcony patio being more sociable than usual from the roll. I heard shpongle starting so I went to get more water and headed to the main stage. Was tripping hardcore at this point, the roll intensifying every emotion. Everyone around is going crazy and I am connected with this craziness. It's good vibes all around, everyone goes equally crazy for the art and the music. I made some new friends and took some hits off the wax pen they had. That was dope. Shpongle went on until about 3am and I had a ton of energy the whole time and was tripping hard to the visuals and dancing in circles and and enjoying this acid party in the acid palace. After shpongle ended everyone around was just dazed and milling around trying to calm down so I wandered around to the various other bars and stages they had and socialized some more, I still have a lot of energy and after another cig I go back to the main stage to dance until 4am. Then I wander my way towards my car, smoke a cig and exchange numbers with a few ppl, and chill in my car drinking water and eating chips until 4:30ish. After that I drove home, getting back at about 5am. I smoked a bowl and fell asleep no problem, the next day I felt a little spacey which I usually get after tripping at a show like that. I didn't have any alc to drink all night, the Lucy was still in effect which kept me awake on the drive, when ..I had calmed down from the energy from the pill. It reminded me of a soundcloud except it lasted longer and the comedown was a lot smoother.


rollnpeace (Moderator)

Thanks for the report. Looks like you found yourself some great pills! Glad to hear you had a good time.
As moderators of a public safety website, I cannot express how much we hate hearing of people driving while under the influence. Do us all a favor and have a better plan next time. You never know, it might save your life.

February 2, 2016, 10:24 pm GMT

jooked (member since October 30, 2009)

These are great! From friends heard they had a lil harsh comedown. I never took them so it's not first hand....but the general consensus is that the comedown is prominent. FYI

March 6, 2016, 3:10 pm GMT

jooked (member since October 30, 2009)

IMO little to slight chance they have amp.

March 6, 2016, 3:12 pm GMT

asadafries (member since March 31, 2016)

This bean looks good. Oddly, i came across a new one and the press is slightly different... may make a report soon, but the results i have seem good.

March 31, 2016, 6:30 am GMT

n2oking (member since August 26, 2016)

I can confirm from first hand... half is all you need for a great time haha but 4hrs later i pop the other half anyway xDD
I personally love purple IGs. they're my 2nd favorite now.. only 2nd because 1st place = Blue Teslas from last year!

August 26, 2016, 7:30 pm GMT