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Pink Breitling

Playa den Bossa

Posted by
September 3, 2015
Date Submitted
Just picked these up in PdB for trusted source along with some of the silver bars. Tested on Marquis EZ test with black purple result. Advised they are a more mellow roll than the silver bars. Testing the silvers out tonight as more reliable results. Anyone else tried these?
Sorry no pic on iPhone.
Suspected Contents
Tested Only
Marquis Reagent


goggles10 (member since April 6, 2014)

Interested to see your report when taken, especially by themselves.

Off to the white isle later this week and silver bars sound like they might be a bit mongy /
Too strong ? Or maybe OK if taken in halves / quarters ?

September 6, 2015, 12:17 pm GMT

stayhealthy970 (member since September 1, 2012)

Thanks for Testing

By any chance do you have a pic of the pill/test results

September 6, 2015, 7:07 pm GMT

tssbh26 (member since July 26, 2014)

goggles, if you have a low tolerance, split off half a silver bar and then take 3/4 of one half. judging by testresults, this should equal to about 80-90mg or so. if you roll once a month, you'll be able to handle half. it's quite a strong hit but not overkill like the 2K's :)

September 6, 2015, 8:10 pm GMT

manchestermandy81 (member since July 26, 2013)

Sorry can't get a pic uploaded as I'm on an iPhone, but they tested perfectly on a marquis EZ test. Had these a couple of days ago and can highly recommend. I'm out with 3 other people of differing tolerances and experience. We had a quarter each in a bar at about 10.30 and came up in about 30 mins. Tingly hair, eye wiggles the lot, plenty of love and empathy. Had a few more drinks and back to our hotel for another 1/2 and then back to a bar for a couple more drinks. Then back to get the tunes on in our room (this was our quiet night off from partying) and another quarter each. Had a cracking night finally calling it quits about 9am. My g/f got a bit spaced out and went walkabout out of the room, and the following day was rather hard for all of us, suspect we may have had more than just the two quarters. In my personal opinion I prefer these to the silver bars we also got as they were more of a mellow roll.

September 7, 2015, 5:46 pm GMT

bearlove2 (member since August 20, 2015)

Seems like a good year for pills on the Island :)

Thanks for testing

September 8, 2015, 7:39 am GMT

petje (member since October 11, 2015)

I have those.
In The Netherlands
With the Breitling logo and name, right?
Have not tried them yet.

October 11, 2015, 4:26 am GMT

mrvision (member since November 12, 2012)

Maybe this helps...

November 12, 2015, 12:00 pm GMT

coollemon (member since October 11, 2007)

Anyone tried the blue ones.

November 13, 2015, 6:43 am GMT