Pill Report: Yellow Instagram
Yellow Instagram


Posted by
September 1, 2015
Date Submitted
The contents are high in these pills, first time I done 1 of them with quite a high tolerance it hit me very hard jaw was really shaky and at one point i tried to drink water and it tasted so weird not like water but something completely different this was after i took another one of these later on for a redose so i think it was too much for me as my jaw swelled up quite bad. Do not think these are bad I just had a bad experience however I had a good one so it evens it out in the next description is the 2nd time I took it.
Instagram logo w/break line on the other side
Well pressed, hard
Suspected Contents
MDxx High
Marquis Reagent
User Report

However I done them again after a while and they worked very nice this time. I dropped 1.5 of a pill at around 9:30, around 10 i was feeling completely up; I could feel the upness above my chest at that moment we had music on and as I entered the room coming back from smoking I could really feel the music and dance and felt very happy all of a sudden,at about 11-12 i was feeling good still some leg shaking jaw wasn't bad at all; done like 1/3 of a half of a pill cause all we had left was a half between three so I redosed on that and felt very good again until about 3-4 at around 4:30 i started to feel a comedown which wasnt too bad but most likely happened due to lack of sleep, also was pissing quite a lot and was difficult at times but wasn't that bad didn't make the roll bad in any way.

Another cool thing that happened later that day I had not slept at all from the day i rolled so I got home and was on a pretty bad come down just due to lack of sleep and my legs felt heavy aswell, at around 12:30 pm I went out to the park and smoked a joint to myself and after like 5 minutes I felt an MDMA up once again but it felt sharp and clear it just felt good (couldnt feel any comedown and legs felt better), I was sitting on a bench so relaxed just listening to music and drinking water felt like the most amazing thing at that moment tbh, as I was having a good time just sitting there smoked a few cigarettes, at 1:30 pm I had realised that time was going too quick and that I was still sitting there an hour later, this made me think about how usually when I smoke a joint alone I go home as soon as I finish smoking however not this time.

After that I had gone home and slept and woke up feeling perfectly fine as if hadn't done anything prior.


eremesepete (member since August 31, 2015)

I know its a long shot but I can't find beans anywhere in my city. I mean there are some but I'd have to buy tons of them which I can't afford and im not interested in. Any advice... where? :):p

September 1, 2015, 11:36 am GMT

emnesty (member since September 1, 2015)

What city is that?

September 1, 2015, 8:18 pm GMT

euphoric raver (member since February 14, 2015)

@emnesty, I can relate to what you said about how you felt when you had a joint and the lovely feelings that you felt at that point as I get this almost every time I roll including the next day, feel bright cheerful and everything seems well with the world, nothing but happy feelings and time goes by so fast...4 hours feels like 1.
I admit I do smoke weed when I roll but not too much as I find too much can send the head spinning and end result is normally vomiting but I find when the effects of my roll are starting to fade that a small single skin roll up with a bit of weed in brings the effects back for a bit.
I find that depending on the pill that smoking a cigarette or roll up can taste horrible and can bring on a vomiting phase due to how the taste makes my stomach feel hence why I take a couple of small spliffs no vomit and i can keep my roll going :) can tell my rolls kicking in as rambling on here, hope someone can point you in the way of some good beans as its hard to get good regular contacts to get stuff from, roll safe and good report will definitely grab some of these if I get the chance

September 2, 2015, 1:19 am GMT

eremesepete (member since August 31, 2015)


it is a small city near birmingham. Redditch.

September 2, 2015, 8:16 am GMT

emnesty (member since September 1, 2015)

@euphoric raver, haha that's cool and when I roll I always smoke joints not small but normal ones I usually smoke like 2-3 grams while rolling and I really don't feel the weed that much but when the intensity of the roll fades and I smoke I always feel up and good again,also that happened to me a few times aswell like i tried smoking a cigarette I took a drag and felt sick with every drag I took but usually I smoke so many cigarettes while rolling cause it don't feel like I smoke anything. Also thanks if you need some (mod edit - no dealing. this is your one and only warning. pillreports.net is for harm reduction only, not to source drugs - facedbeyond mod)

@eremespete that's too far i'm in London mate sorry don't knoe anyone from where you are..

September 2, 2015, 10:54 am GMT

eremesepete (member since August 31, 2015)

@emnesty its ok i might have found a new source, we'll see in a couple of days. happy rolling and stay safe mate :)

September 2, 2015, 11:51 am GMT

xela3 (member since September 3, 2015)

Took these pills with emnesty but I double dropped instead of doing 1.5, took about 30-40 minutes for my come-up and it was very strong, was feeling very happy and was talking loads, my jaw was shaking a lot though, I was also sweating like crazy but other than that it was a really good buzz and I'd recommend trying these out.

September 2, 2015, 10:44 pm GMT