Pill Report: Domino / Dominoes
Domino / Dominoes


Posted by
July 19, 2015
Date Submitted
NOTE: I shall upload my own photo tomorrow- busy tonight/tomorrow but it looks EXACTLY like the exact same pill- however, the weights are different and the sizes are supposedly different too, so I don't know what to say about that..

Was sold as 160mg, which feels about right. Weighed 3- altogether, they were 327mg, 332mg and 333mg.

Smell very aniseedy in the bag, slightly more chemical than usual, suspected to be MDMA and are quite dark crystals.

Single breakline on the back.
Broke apart with quite a bit of pressure but nothing too difficult at all- easy to dose with 2/3 by snapping closer towards the edges.

Me and a friends tested, felt lovely and provided good MDxx effects.
Last Update
July 19, 2015
Rectangle / Rectangular
12.0 mm
6.0 mm
Smooth with in-pressed dots
Slightly Rounded / Mostly Sharp
Suspected Contents
MDxx High
User Report

Me and a friend eat 2/3 (suspected to be about 100-110mg) at 7:30pm.

By about 8pm, playing xbox, we both feel some light effects coming on. Feel a little light-headed, smiling and giggling a little like children at the game we are playing, and feeling a bit more comfortable on the sofa.

By 8:15pm (45 minutes after ingestion) it's hitting quite well, feels to be around 100mg of nice MDMA, and provided light euphoric waves for about an hour. Slight jaw tension noted, dilated pupils, no sweating yet, we drink some water and chat a bit of shit/continue to play Xbox.

At 9pm or so, we take another 2/3 of a pill each (1.5 pills altogether each). After half an hour, it starts to intensify the roll and it definitely feels like a good 200-220mg. We have a bit of a tolerance, so I'd advise not to do over 2/3 for each dose because the euphoria, jaw tension and sociability were all quite strong for us. We take a bus into town to hang out in a park, where we start to peak from the 2nd dose at 9:30ish and are really enjoying the roll. We chat and feel quite empathic too (which is rather rare as I roll every few weekends), feeling pretty on top of the world.

When we get home at 10:30pm or so, we take another 2/3 each, totalling to about 2.25 pills each. We go for a little walk, everything is feeling quite light while we come up on the last dose, and pretty evident gurning appears, also a decent amount of energy which was a really clean feel, so we chew lots of gum, stay hydrated and hug/chat shit and just get comfy in the house.

After the last dose, we come down after another 2 hours or so, fully after 3 hours, and feel a little achey but nothing too bad at all. Went to sleep a couple hours after coming down and wasn't too difficult, but our minds were still a little active so it took 45 minutes or so of settling down before we could sleep. Slept solidly and felt mildly achey the next day, but all round pretty good and lazy :)

All in all I really enjoy them and glad that I have a few more for my next roll. I'd definitely say at least 150mg each.

Go easy, and I don't advise dropping a whole one unless you have quite a big tolerance. Wait an hour before redosing at least because even though they kick in quick, the effects can strengthen quite slowly and it's always good to start off safely with a new pill.

It's 4 days afterwards now, we had some quite droopy legs the day after and felt pretty tired, but water, fruit juice, multivits and chilling out has helped a lot, and we swiftly recovered from the small comedown.

Enjoy! :)

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