Pill Report: Tesla

central florida

Posted by
June 12, 2015
Date Submitted
Pills were really well pressed, but broke under pressure
Last Update
June 12, 2015
Suspected Contents
MDxx High
User Report

This pill is awesome. Slow come-up. Like took an hour to feel. Then I was thrown into the groove. Started with 3/4, just took anthoer half. Hope to update tomorrow if I have the strength.

If not, will update soon. Good vibes, Happy Pill.

Here is the experience I gained. Pills were awesome. I woke up with like 5 messages and 10 notifications on fb this morning. I thought "crap, I wonder what in the world I wrote to who last night." Luckily for me, I only wrote incoherent messages to a couple friends.

It was beautiful, from 9pm till 4am I took 2 pills. What I can remember of the night was awesome. I was sure loved up and hugged up. I couldn't tell you how long they lasted because I feel asleep still messed up.

Usually when I come down, it is stretched out for a couple days of feeling burnt out. These pills packed all that burnt out feelings into the hour before falling asleep. I feel great today, but trying to go to sleep was horrible. So that can be a positive or negative.

Overall I would put in the top 10. The only problem I have is that every pill I have ate for the last 2 years has been in the top 10 so it is quite full.

Those Dutch girls though, niceeeee


dippi (member since October 13, 2014)

As a side note. I have been so thankful for this community for so long. It has saved me many restless nights trying to overcome the substance I could have taken. Thanks for the community! Knowledge is power

June 12, 2015, 2:52 am GMT

stayhealthy970 (member since September 1, 2012)

Thanks for the report

June 16, 2015, 12:02 am GMT

ninabutt (member since January 16, 2008)

Wow, sick press and good report. :) hope to come across the consistent quality that you seem to be finding! Thanks for always giving informative and detailed reports :)

September 22, 2015, 5:16 am GMT