Pill Report: orange lego man
Orange Lego Man

central Florida

Posted by
May 25, 2015
Date Submitted
Beautiful press. Small but mind blowing.
Outpressed lego man
Shaped like a little lego dude
Suspected Contents
MDxx High
User Report

I thought I wrote a report last night, but it would have only been two words long. These suckers hit quick, full on rush for 3 hours. I ate one initially, then from the kneecaps up for a redose. I have ate a lot of Dutch pills, but this one was a zinger. Slept all day so she definitely wore me out. Awesome experience


dippi (member since October 13, 2014)

P.s. everything is awesome, everything is cool when your part of a team

May 25, 2015, 2:11 am GMT

jooked (member since October 30, 2009)

Crazy!!!!!!! I found a LEGO MAN!!! unfuckingbelievable I haven't eaten it yet, I ate two blue teslas during memorial day weekend event down south. I didn't even wanna pop the Damn Lego man I had no idea what he fuck it was, they look so sketch!

May 27, 2015, 1:17 am GMT

tassylad (member since May 21, 2014)

U lucky bugger!!! Would kill for any of those pills in pic!!!

May 30, 2015, 10:24 pm GMT

ninabutt (member since January 16, 2008)

Thanks for the report, first I'm seeing of em, Seem real nice!

June 2, 2015, 8:57 am GMT

dankphishxtc (member since August 21, 2011)

The orange lego man works for UPS in the import department and his favorite team is the Lions. He drove his red UPS truck to the bank to pick up some Gold Bars. After that his truck wouldn't start so he had to charge his Battery. He then went out to EeDeCe for the weekend and made sure to use Trip Advisor for booking his travel.

Nom nom nom..? :D

June 21, 2015, 4:44 am GMT