Pill Report: Orange Wifi
Orange Wifi


Posted by
July 8, 2014
Date Submitted
First time that I have these pills, one of my friends took them at a drum and bass party and told me these were bangers.

These Orange Wifi's should contain around 190-220 Mg
Last Update
July 8, 2014
Wifi Logo
4.5 mm
12.0 mm
Smooth, Hard pressed
Suspected Contents
MDxx High
Marquis Reagent
User Report

- 22:30 Took my first half

- 22:45 Took another half(wanted them to kick in shortly after each other)

- 23:00 Went outside for a sigarette and started to feel it kicking in, Staring at people starting to feel nice and warm, huge energy boost, talking quicker.

- 00:00 Took another half

- 00:15 Feeling amazing. Music sounds heavenly people are amazing and Im filled with love.

- 01:00 Still feeling amazing don't want to lose this feeling so took another half.

- 02:00 Have been dancing for two hours now chatting with everybody hugging everybody. Decided to go outside and just chill and smoke.

- 02:30 Still out side feeling great but now I want to smoke a joint.

- 03:00 Smoked another joint and took another half than went back inside.

- 03:30 Feeling like I just entered the Galaxy of Dreams.

- 05:00 Party ended still feeling good but pill is slowly going down now.

- 08:30 Went to bed after me and my friends chilled for a bit outside and smoked more weed. Almost instantly fell asleep

Next morning I feel a little bit exhausted but it's normal, I did not bit my lips or cheeks and did not grind with my teeth all night.

Great pill but one of the stronger ones be carefull :)


st1no (member since October 9, 2012)

I have had these, just like on the pic, and I can confirm they were good ones!!! I haven't had them tested, but sure feels like ~200mg with all the usual nice effects included. Good stuff and deff start with half a pill if you are unexperienced :)

July 8, 2014, 8:06 pm GMT

inverclyde2014 (member since July 9, 2014)

I had these pills at the weekend. I was at a local festival (Friday - Monday). On the Friday night I only took 1 into the gig with me as I heard they were very strong, however sadly it didn't hit me. I had to hunt around and find another pill to get me the buzz. The second night I took 3 out with me... Again even after popping 3 full pills roughly about 30 mins apart I still didn't feel as I should have. The last night of the festival I took another 3 out with me and again I took the 3 within 30 minutes of each other. Unfortunately my body was not getting the buzz from these pills. Luckily tho I was able to locate a man selling white domino pills. After taking this pill I was feeling exactly as I should have been. I don't know it my body was simply just rejecting the orange wifi's or if they just aren't as strong as everyone is saying!

I won't be purchasing any more if these orange wifi pills! Extremely let down!!

July 9, 2014, 3:17 pm GMT

billyb (member since July 6, 2010)

Inverclyde you talking shit man. 3 of these would have even the hardcore pill poppers on there arse.

July 9, 2014, 4:01 pm GMT

grals (member since May 26, 2014)

At me in the same way was with blue androids

July 9, 2014, 8:20 pm GMT

manafunk (member since July 7, 2014)

Mod Edit

Please do not leave trolling comments - Your concerns have been noted and has already been addressed.

If you see people talking about pressers etc then you have the ability to report it and the comment will be removed.

Not really sure what more I or the site can do about it.


July 9, 2014, 9:53 pm GMT

inverclyde2014 (member since July 9, 2014)

I don't know if my body had just built up a tolerance to the pill after the first night, but I can assure you I did not get a buzz from these pills.

July 9, 2014, 11:40 pm GMT

mooley (member since February 1, 2013)

@inverclyde - time for a break if u think these aren't strong. I've been doing pills over 20 years and have high tolerance. These are one of the nicest, strongest pills I've ever had. Absolute bangers!!

July 10, 2014, 6:04 am GMT

bearlove (member since August 25, 2008)

Thanks for the report and welcome to the site.

If these pills are not doing it for you then you have a tolerance and need a break.


July 10, 2014, 9:19 am GMT

inverclyde2014 (member since July 9, 2014)

I know! I'm Devestated to be honest! I had only heard good things about these. My body must have just rejected them.

July 10, 2014, 12:21 pm GMT

theonewhodrops (member since May 28, 2014)

someones in need of a ban

July 12, 2014, 2:27 pm GMT

bearlove (member since August 25, 2008)

and I was happy to oblige :)

July 12, 2014, 5:22 pm GMT

astrix7 (member since September 10, 2009)

:-) lol BL

July 15, 2014, 11:46 am GMT

melaniehicks (member since July 2, 2014)

@mooley - seconded :) these pills are big boys and if the commenter had done 6 wifis in 36-48 hours (plus a domino and whatever else) he'd be pretty spacked up.

Perhaps, in his defence, maybe he was sold duds? Dunno.

Summary note to anyone reading this thread, wifis are strong clean beans!

July 16, 2014, 7:26 pm GMT

intureqioladaa (member since July 17, 2014)

I had the same thing inverclyde describes.. So maybe there are different orange wifi's around or something. I also heard they were very strong, but I didn't feel like I normally do. And my friends said the same thing about those pills. I usually do two or three pills at a festival, but still a quarter at once. Normally I feel them kicking in after the first half. But with the wifi's I didn't feel anything. I felt a little bit strange, a little bit down. But that could be coincidence... But I definitely didn't feel as good and full of energy like I normally do.

And don't take me wrong, I believe they are very strong (the good ones). But maybe there are differences in those wifi pills, who knows? I definitely wouldn't buy them again.

July 17, 2014, 9:26 pm GMT

mistertb (member since July 22, 2014)

These pills are from different batches. I've got dark Orange wifi's which are totally awesome. I ordered more then I got lighter coloured ones, which are a lot less awesome. I can show u guys a clear picture showing the difference. But how do I upload it?

July 22, 2014, 12:15 pm GMT

festman (member since July 23, 2014)

Took four last week in dulls and was tripping like hell anyone else tripped off them?

July 23, 2014, 12:02 am GMT

festman (member since July 23, 2014)

Fulls* sorry about my English

July 23, 2014, 12:04 am GMT

mg666 (member since July 28, 2014)

this is a damn good one. takes time to kick in cause the hard press. can anyone compare this with gold bars 199,9 ??????????

July 29, 2014, 3:37 am GMT

someone (member since November 10, 2005)

I did have the testresults, it's containing MDMA, between 145 - 210 mg.

July 30, 2014, 1:55 pm GMT

depsychonaut (member since February 11, 2006)

Wow what a big spread..

August 7, 2014, 8:42 pm GMT

haroldharold (member since October 16, 2014)

I took 2 of these last weekend at a techno party. I didn't really feel anything after the first half, so i took another half, about 1 hour later. Then it started coming up, quite good. Not the best pills I've had though.

I have a question in general: has anyone ever experienced mild discomfort in the chest area while breathing and sometimes a slight tingle in the lips? I've had this for a few days now, and was wondering if anyone has had this? This was after 2 pills.

October 16, 2014, 11:33 am GMT