Pill Report: Red "Jurassis" Jurassic Park / JPs / Jur
Red "Jurassis" Jurassic Park / JPs / Jur

Los Angeles California

Posted by
December 2, 2020
Date Submitted
Names: Jurassis / Jurassics / Jurassic Park / Jurassic Parks / JPs
Weight: 506mg
Dimensions: 12.2mm x 10.5mm x 5mm

Reagent Tests
Marquis - instant purple to black
Mecke - Instant green to dark blue/black
Mandelin - instant purple to black
Simon - instant reaction as soon as Simon B dropped, turned cobalt blue

Drugs Data and Wedinos have posted data about these and they are just as potent as it suggests 358mg MDMA. That's nuckin futs! Never heard anything like this and you best warn anyone who plans to consume these bad boys. They are over 3x the regular dose. I'd recommend for any inexperienced SWIMmer to start off with a third of a pill and experienced SWIMmers to start with no more than half of a pill. Definitely give yourself 90 minutes before you take another partial dose.
Last Update
December 2, 2020
Jurassic Park Film Logo "Jurassis"
Light Red, Almost Pink-ish
Cutout to JP Film Logo
10.0 mm
12.0 mm
12.2mm x 10.5mm x 12.2mm x 5mm
Suspected Contents
MDxx High
Mandelin Reagent
Other - Please see description
Marquis Reagent
Other - Please see description
Mecke Reagent
Other - Please see description
Simons Reagent
Dark Blue
User Report

SWIMs Experience
These are very very very clean. SWIM had the greatest roll in a long long long time from just one pill. Euphoria, eye wiggles, and great boost of energy to just get up and move/dance/flow (suspecting there is also caffeine binders). At one point SWIM and friends were having such an incredible moment. One of the SWIMmers enjoying themselves started getting a jaw shake about 90 minutes in. Funny watching an uncontrollable jaw. The second half of pill was consumed 2 hours in and it was an experience unlike any other off a single pill. Total high lasted maybe 5-6 hours, which says a lot from a single pill. Much love, stay healthy and stay safe. Party responsibly.

PS: I really dig these euros. The way you know you got legitimate euros is by the solid nature of the pill and aromatic MDMA smell, straight through the bag. It's the greatest when there are zero crumbled/broken pills and they're all in great condition.


venom6665 (member since December 23, 2020)

this tablet was not good here in our Hungarian-Slovenian surroundings
it's the same pill that. They were recently deported. However, this is not MDMA for us in the West. First we ate 2/3 of 3 man. It was also md coming. However, he didn’t give in to love even when we were throwing quarters at him. I think redose should also make the effects stronger. Because I ate 1 and 1/4. After all, he didn't become a beloved fleece in the end, or he sat down and many of us vomited from him. However, it is so positive that there were nice hallucinations in the end! I think it could have been bk-EBDB or similar material!

December 23, 2020, 6:18 pm GMT

heisenberg11 (member since March 29, 2014)

Oh just saw this comment so disregard mine on your report. And my test results verify... You should just get test kit and not speculate

July 15, 2023, 6:43 am GMT