Pill Report: Green Smiley
Green Smiley

Brazil (Porto Alegre, RS)

Posted by
December 31, 2011
Date Submitted
Yesterday I called my dealer to get some pills for the celebrations, he said he got blue mercedes and green smileys. I don´t like to invest all the money in only 1 kind of pill, so I asked half/half. When I got the pills I was a bit skeptical about this green smiley, I´ve never seen a pill this large and flattened out... It looks like it got out the pharmacy, it´s well pressed, really compact. When I questioned about it he said that people haven´t complained about this one, and it´s a new batch. I used a razor blade to cut it in half, it produced this chalky light green powder wich I tasted and it´s bitter as hell!!! Damn... I don´t have a test kit so I´ll have to try it myself, I even tossed a blue mercedes in the picture for you guys have a better notion. I´ll trying half tonite, if I feel good I´ll drop the rest and then come back here to report the experience, I hope I didn´t get piped. Might change the warning in the future.
Last Update
September 5, 2012
Round, thin, domed
4.0 mm
10.0 mm
Hard and smooth
Sharp, well pressed
Suspected Contents
User Report

Last night I took the pill:

22:00pm - Crushed half a pill and turned into a fine dust, it gave me 4 ginourmous lines, no way in hell I would clog up my nose with that shit, sniffed 1 line and the rest I've put down my beer bottle.

22:30pm - Didn't feel anything, so I eat the other half.

23:00pm - Didn't feel ANYTHING at all, this pills are the pinnacle of crap, AVOID THESE!!!!

23:05 - took all the pills and flushed down the toilet...


justdoit913 (member since October 6, 2009)

Please take the quantity amount out of the report, thanks. Let us know how it goes.

January 1, 2012, 6:05 pm GMT

crobarkid00 (member since August 22, 2011)

no more than 3 pills aloud in pic. wow those green ones r fuckin enormous. they look sketch as hell. i dont suggest eating any of these without testing, but if ur gonna chance it anyway, id drop the blue one.
any updates??

January 4, 2012, 5:19 pm GMT

weetvanwanten (member since August 17, 2009)

âgree :) TESTTESTTEST!!!

January 8, 2012, 12:47 am GMT

justdoit913 (member since October 6, 2009)

hey so was it just the smileys or were the mercedes crap too?

January 10, 2012, 6:08 am GMT

weetvanwanten (member since August 17, 2009)

Thanks for updating :)

January 13, 2012, 10:53 pm GMT

pillquest (member since December 31, 2011)

Hey guys!! Sup?? I'm gonna be adding another report about the blue mercedes! They are REALLY good! One of the best pills I've taken in the last couple of years!

January 15, 2012, 3:45 pm GMT

vinnie134 (member since January 11, 2012)

waiting for the blue ones' report! a test would be nice, good job guy! Its good to know about the pills in our region, thanks

January 18, 2012, 12:33 am GMT

owned (member since January 19, 2012)

smile = trash :$

January 19, 2012, 2:58 am GMT