Pill Report: Blue Heart [hearts] / Inima [inimioara] albastra
Blue Heart [hearts] / Inima [inimioara] Albastra


Posted by
May 5, 2011
Date Submitted
Pill is quite hard-pressed [doesn't crumble easily], double-stacked; [baby/light-]Blue in color [the color is more intense/vivid in reality than in the picture attached], 6 mm in height and about 6.5-7 mm in diameter [round edges]. The logo is pressed inward [concave]. The lack of a break line on the back may be due to the fact that it's a medium-dosed MDMA pill which most could handle.

Marquis turned black fast[ish], ~7-10s, same did Mecke & Mandelin => MDxx family. Simons & Robadope further analysis hinted no secondary amine should be present in the tablet.

Probably the same press as these ones:

Pastila este bine comprimata [nu se faramiteaza cu usurinta], de grosime dubla; De culoare albastru-deschis [culoarea este mult mai intensa/vie in realitate decat in poza atasata], 6mm inaltime si aproximativ 6,5-7 mm in diametru [forma fiind rotuna]. Emblema [logoul] este imprimat catre interiorul acesteia [forma concava]. Lipsa unei linii pentru injumatatire pe partea din spate poate fi un indicator al faptului ca este o pastila ce contine o doza medie de MDMA, pe care majoritatea persoanelor ar putea tolera.

Solutiile analitice folosite [Marquis, Mecke, Mandelin] s-au transformat in culoare cenusiu-inchis relativ rapid [~7-10s], lucru ce indica prezenta unei substante din familia MDxx. Analiza suplimentara cu solutii Simons si Robadope nu au indicat nici o alta amina ca fiind prezenta [pastila ar putea fi considerata ca fiind "curata"].

Probabil face parte din aceeasi serie cu acestea:
Last Update
May 5, 2011
Love heart [hearts] / inima [inimioara]
Blue / albastru [albastra]
6.0 mm
7.0 mm
Suspected Contents
MDxx Medium
Mandelin Reagent
Marquis Reagent
Mecke Reagent
Robadope Reagent
No Reaction
Simons Reagent
No Reaction
User Report

After ingestion, typical MDMA feelings were felt by the subjects of the experiment: empathy, urge to dance, musical appreciation, an inner sense of peace, etc. The subjects consumed around 3-4 tablets over the course of 12h [01-11am], alongside occasional bumps of amphetamines and other stimulants. Despite of this, the subjects, after arriving home, could easily fall asleep and wake up with relative easiness - thus eliminating the possibility of the pill containing [meth]amphetamine or other substances. Also, eating after waking up and falling asleep again in the evening didn't pose any problems. The subjects would approximate the following MDMA spread: 60-100mg.

After more than a year of hard searching, this is the second batch of good pills found in Romania since December 2010 [and again in February 2011]!

P.S.: Please excuse my English [not my native language]. First report! More soon to come. Dance safe :)

In urma ingerarii acesteia, senzatiile tipice de MDMA au fost resimtite de catre subiectii experimentului: empatie, dorinta de dans, apreciere muzicala sporita, un simt de pace interioara, etc. Au fost consumate in jur de 3-4 comprimate pe o durata de 12h [01-11am], alaturi de cantitati infime insuflate de stimulente [amfetamine]. Cu toate acestea, subiectii s-au putut odihni o data ajunsi acasa si trezi cu o relativa usurinta - lucru ce elimina posibilitatea existentei de [met]amfetamina sau alte substante. De asemenea, mancatul in urma trezirii si adormitul din nou seara au survenit fara probleme. Subiectii ar plasa cantitatea de MDxx din acest comprimat in intervalul 60-100mg.

Dupa un an de cautari, aceasta este a doua serie de pastile bune ce apare in .ro in ultimii 1-2 ani! [gasite in decembrie 2010 si februarie 2011]

P.S.: Va rog sa scuzati eventualele greseli de ortografie. Acesta este primul 'report'. Vor urma mai multe experiente. Fiti precauti si nu mai ingerati porcarii/chestii necunoscute :)


fatmac41 (member since December 1, 2008)

Nice report an pic! An dont worry bout your english its very good probably better than mine an im english lol

May 7, 2011, 3:28 pm GMT

vivaviva (member since February 3, 2009)

You're English is just fine man, and so is this report.
~VV mod

May 24, 2011, 3:51 pm GMT

codrinnn (member since June 19, 2011)

par misto.. mai a i?

June 19, 2011, 2:24 am GMT

p0rky (member since January 28, 2009)

tried this kind of pill back in 2008, was one of best pill feeling i ever had
Try and look harder, one can find this days in Romania the famous orange Qdance/powerbutton.And Bucharest is loaded of other good stuff.

June 22, 2011, 6:02 pm GMT

gerardabt (member since September 25, 2010)

Super report!Oricum fratilor ultima data cand am avut asa ceva in Ro a fost in 2008...Dance safe!

June 30, 2011, 6:35 am GMT

prunaru (member since September 13, 2012)

good job!

September 18, 2012, 3:38 pm GMT