Pill Report: green monkey
Green Monkey


Posted by
September 25, 2008
Date Submitted
very unique color. have seen green pills before but never this kind of dark green color.
Last Update
September 25, 2008
Dark green
Round pill
Dark green with imprint of a monkey face on it
Suspected Contents
MDxx High
User Report

very nice fat pill. the press look very professional it was nice and clean and doesnt crumble to easily. rumors were goin around that this pill was really really good. finally got my hands on some and popped 2 at the same time. comeup was very quick. hit me in like 20 minutes. at first i felt a head change then my whole body started to feel really good. i was just walking around enjoying myself. these pills had a very intense feeling. the good thing was i was able to control myself and think straight while rolling balls at the same time. alot of eye vibrations. i would rate these an overall 9/10. lasted about 6-7 hours till i jus wanted to stop rollin and smoked some bud to bring me down. after that had no problem going sleep after. great pills


thizzerfershizzer (member since September 16, 2008)

that looks blue
but sounds like a pretty nice bean :D

September 25, 2008, 4:26 am GMT

geeked up 28 (member since September 16, 2008)

i just had blue monkeys like a month ago.
total meth bombs dude.
hope these were better!

September 25, 2008, 5:41 am GMT

whatchunoaboutthizzz (member since September 25, 2008)

i Had these exact ones as well. Person i got from told me they were bomb, i took 2. About an hour later i felt a slight mdxx felling, but it felt more speedy. After about another hour, i was at 92.4 deg F (which didn't rise until maybe 5-6 hours later), and my pulse was slower then 80 beats per minute. About 2 hours into my trip i began to have a great production of mucusat the base of my throat and was hacking that up all night. I Also ended up puking for a good half hour due to stomach sickness (which never happens for me on mdxx even on a strooooong comeup) and the constant hacking was making me gag.. I haven't had 2cx before to my knowledge or if i did i didn't notice it, but this seem like it might have some. I had maybe one or two points where i thought i was going to hallucinate, but i never did (It takes a lot of something hallucinogenic to get me to see things.) If u take 1, which all of my friends did, it felt like a good roll. But they also don't have my tolerance.I didnt enjoy these at all. if u are experienced, i wouldn't recommend these. But, to each his own.

September 25, 2008, 3:45 pm GMT

woodpecker (member since September 29, 2005)

^^^^ umm I think you mispoke. A cadaver which has been dead for a good while would have a body temp higher than 92.4 F. And it sounds more like a piperazine "trip" you had.

September 25, 2008, 4:51 pm GMT

ravenousblonde (member since October 1, 2005)

I concur...these sound like the piperazines going around. Buyer beware & test first. ~R*Mod

September 26, 2008, 6:36 am GMT

pillfreak510 (member since October 1, 2008)

weak dont do em

October 1, 2008, 3:33 am GMT

boink808 (member since October 18, 2008)

if these are the dark green monkeys (green apes) then they are bomb. they aren't all cracked out but give you a constant body high. your peaks don't drop suddenly, instead you drift down just gently just in time for your next peak, like the feather in the beginning of forest gump :] it's a very chill pill perfect for a house party

October 18, 2008, 5:36 am GMT

rollover (member since December 17, 2008)

These are pills are pipes FOR SURE. I have tested with all reagents NO REACTioN!!! Not a bad pipe pill, if you like pipes that is.

December 22, 2008, 7:08 am GMT

jordan earthquake (member since June 9, 2009)

these sucked ass!

June 9, 2009, 9:20 am GMT

forbiddnfruit (member since December 22, 2011)

y do extacy pillsmake your horny?? serious question.

December 21, 2011, 11:32 pm GMT