Pill Report: Purple XTC
Purple XTC


Posted by
March 26, 2016
Date Submitted
So they are pretty small. Some of them had the XTC logo a lil bit less pressed in. The breakline was okay, and it breaked really easily but no crumbling.

I think about 80-100mg of mdma in them but im not sure. Felt like mdma but not tested, test before you try them! But warning cuz of not testing them, not cuz they are really strong or smth.
Last Update
March 27, 2016
Pretty nice press, you can see the xtc good
Suspected Contents
MDxx Medium
User Report

22:30 - drop my first one.
23:30 - im at club drinking my first drink. Can feel it really really slow coming up. Mby pmma but i dont know. For one of my friend it went like bang, mby i have more tolerance. Also i feel like i should take another one ::D

00:30 - Now im going haard. Danced, drinked only a lil, smoked weed, and talked alot with my friends. Overall pretty good feeling, euphoria, energy etc. Also jaw wiggles and big pupils.

01:30 - Now i drop 1,5 of the same pill cuz wanna get mangled :D.

02:30 - So about then i feel really good. Danced alot, but also i drank alot of water, like 0,5l or lil more in one hour definetly. The high was this kind of chill. I mean it was really good and euphoric etc, but it wasnt overwhelming, and the comeup didnt make me puke or smth. It all went really smoooth.

03:30 - so now im at an after party chill. There i smoked couple of grams of weed, and also dropped 2 more pills.

08:00 The night went really chill. Alot of weed. Alot of deep talks. Alot of good music and just chilling warm in blankets :D. ALso then i fell asleep really easy!

11:30 - Woke up. Ofc i felt tired cuz of wild night out but not that tired. I also make big breaks between my rolls so 2-3 months atleast so the comedown isnt that bad for me. Smoked some wknbake weed. Was really tired now, and also the day after :S But only tired, not bad thoughts and shit :D.

Overall i pretty much recommend this pill. I think if i took like 5 of them it isnt really pmma cause i didnt get any bad reaction to it. Also my two friends dropped 3.5 also and they were fine. But test it before you try! I was stupid. Drop halves at first!


bearlove2 (member since August 20, 2015)

Thank you for the report, I have removed the warning from this as there is noting in your report to indicate they are adulterated or anything other than MDMA. We try and use the warning only of adulterated/mixed pills.


March 27, 2016, 7:08 am GMT

rexmoose (member since July 15, 2015)

damn 5 pills is heavy!
I had these myself last night in the UK and believe they are the 200mg+ mark.
I took 3 halves over 6 hours and never been so high in my life.best ones around on the market IMO

March 28, 2016, 9:03 pm GMT

recstasy (member since January 31, 2016)

@rexmoose You have Dutch imports in UK i believe. These ones are just a copy press cuz ive done UK 200mg+ pills and theyre flying, need to do only 1.5 for the night like you. These ones are definetly copy presses here in estonia!

March 29, 2016, 5:00 pm GMT

justauser (member since January 31, 2011)

Good pills clean roll 200mg+.That's all!

March 30, 2016, 8:13 am GMT

recstasy (member since January 31, 2016)

@justauser Definetly not 200+, if it was i couldnt go 5 of them in one night. Have done 220mg pills from darkweb 2 months ago and they knocked me straight to the sky, trust me here m8.

March 30, 2016, 1:49 pm GMT

justauser (member since January 31, 2011)

@recstasy Rofl!

March 30, 2016, 5:02 pm GMT

koners (member since February 20, 2013)

Tried them lot of times so I think it definitely contains about 180-200mg mdma

April 2, 2016, 7:24 am GMT

recstasy (member since January 31, 2016)

@recstasy Yes, these ones you sent are from Netherlands but in our country we dont have these kind of export pills. Our guys see that some new clean pills are invented in amsterdam and then they just copy press them, cuz then everyone wants it cuz it has good report on here. But it isnt the same pill just same logo n shit.

April 3, 2016, 2:44 pm GMT

hankyke (member since December 31, 2010)

Had these friday night and they were good, felt like clean roll. Slept some saturday and felt good. Now Sunday around 2 pm my headache started (can`t stand light, hear humming in my ear). Lasted till now Wednesday (still not quite over but better). I think they are mixed with something as pure mdma does not give me headache. Had the same bad hangover around 2011 before Midsummer's day (jaanipäev). Just be careful.

April 6, 2016, 5:20 pm GMT

adavere (member since June 22, 2016)

the lilac ones are safe and good. very strong. start with just a half, full pill too much.
but stay away from purple version of this pill!

June 22, 2016, 7:22 pm GMT