Pill Report: Hearts ( Green )
Hearts ( Green )


Posted by
May 11, 2008
Date Submitted
While you would really regard these as green'ish pills, on close inspection, they appeared to be either green with while specks or white with green specks.

flat top and bottom
White with green speks
Fairly solid, but a bit crumbly at edge
Inward cornering
Suspected Contents
MDxx Medium
User Report

Heavy MDMA... But hold your horses because this may not be what you're after.

As most of you know, XTC is really just a combination of alks, speed, bit of this, bit of that and some MDMA.

This was really a strong MDMA pill, but i would say that the rest of it is not much more than filler. I like a dash of speed and an "upper" alk just to just push you into it. And this is where this pill fell down a little.

The come up was fairly rapid and the high was pretty powerful. I road tested these a fair bit by themselves and on one Saturday, I was feeling a little drab so i took two at once. That come up was really strong and almost too much. But even there, the peak would drop off after about 1 hour and then you would have some reasonable energy and good mood for another hour or so before you needed more.

They were extremely clean, but just lacked some "get up and go" and very much lacked longevity. Still, if you are willing to take four or five throughout the night, you'll probably enjoy them and for those that like the clean clean MDMA pills, highly recommended.

Good conversation..etc.. as well.

Produced some jaw clenching, teeth grinding and sweating. Fun and quite versatile, though personally, i like ones that have more longevity.

Photo didn't come out great, but the green was almost fluorescent.


i heart love hearts (member since November 21, 2007)

when you say pills are usually mixed wwith some MDMA a dash of speed and some upper alks, what do you mean by upper alks, what is an example of this that makes the trip longer? sorry if i sound stupid

May 11, 2008, 10:53 pm GMT

spondonicals (member since May 5, 2008)

Ephedrine, pseudoephedrine and methylephedrine are what i would regard as upper alks. But that would be in a perfect world. In reality, pills are made in backyard labs and the alks they add are probably random mixes of all sorts of crap. Don't mean to put you off but there is a reality of the manufacturing that most people ignore.

May 11, 2008, 11:28 pm GMT